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EXP boost in 1.3? Great, but what about us completionists?


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Background story:


Levelling in this game has always been a real pain for me, for the opposite reason of why it is a pain for others. No matter how I level I always seem to outlevel content. When I first played this game I played together with a friend, we levelled a bounty hunter and an agent simultaneously and followed each others into story areas and we ran all instances at least once. We skipped the entire side-quest on Quesh just so that we would be somewhat in level range of hoth.


Later on we rolled republic, at first it was just the two of us then a third joined. It actually got to the point where we just gave up because levelling wasn't fun anymore. I stopped playing my Jedi Consular at level 43, and she was only on Quesh... In the absence of challenge, gameplay becomes grind. It literally was "chew through packs of mobs for 15 minutes, experience a 2 minutes cutscene".


Not to mention we couldn't always play with eachothers. When my pal couldn't play, I was stuck doing nothing in the game aside from crafting. I did come up with the idea of "ragequit warzoning", i.e you play through the entire fight and then exit during the last 10 seconds. That gave you no comms and no valor, but I had to do it in order to prevent getting EXP.



Implement an EXP-pause. Due to flashpoints, warzones and space combat, it is impossible to get stuck in this game should content suddenly outlevel you due to reckless use of this function. I myself would love to be able to stop my EXP altogether when reached what is considered max level for a planet.

Edited by Majspuffen
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