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DPS annihilation spec

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so, i was just training on the dummy with my spec, i guess i must be doing something wrong....




most of the time, i use ravage and force scream when i'm waiting for the cool down from annihilation and rupture if the instant CD doesn't occur


im not full rakata and during this process i popped berserk x5 and then bloodthirst x1

Edited by Ghostofthesky
Force stats not Melee/ no name coverage
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1. Add Battering Assault to your cooldown list. You do not want to miss out that rage

2. Do not use Force Scream as Anni. Use Vicious Slash instead - cheaper and can also proc Rupture CD

3. Do only use Ravage fully when Annhi, Rupture and Battering Assault are on cooldown for at least 3 seconds OR only use the first two Ravage hits

4. The damage done % of your bleeds look ok, so I guess you used Berserk proberly. However, your Annhi looks too low (maybe a gear thing)


Also, you can move your bars and keybind them all. Do that for at least for your most used 20-24 skills/relics


Edit: Here is mine, no Frenzy/Bloodthirst/Stims/Adrenal/Agent buff used, only warri and sorc buff, was at ~1475 when I stopped hitting:



Edited by Bloodymoon
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just tried what you said, and it worked quite a bit, i think part of it has to do with gear.




though i also saw you used ravage alot, i ended up taking that out and hitting it once or twice on accident, then interrupted it and used something else.

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It seems you are on a good way. Now if you are able to use also Ravage when everything is on CD and use less Vicious Slash for that, you should be able to get 50+ Dps more



I saw that I wrote gibberish in point 3; I fixed it.

Edited by Bloodymoon
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It seems you are on a good way. Now if you are able to use also Ravage when everything is on CD and use less Vicious Slash for that, you should be able to get 50+ Dps more



I saw that I wrote gibberish in point 3; I fixed it.


lol i saw that, but thanks, that did help out a lot. i did notice that i was using assault a bit more while trying to build up rage for Vicious Slash, so i guess that would be a good time to use Ravage until BA is off CD then start all over. so i may try that again later. but seriously thanks alot :)

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1. Add Battering Assault to your cooldown list. You do not want to miss out that rage

2. Do not use Force Scream as Anni. Use Vicious Slash instead - cheaper and can also proc Rupture CD

3. Do only use Ravage fully when Annhi, Rupture and Battering Assault are on cooldown for at least 3 seconds OR only use the first two Ravage hits

4. The damage done % of your bleeds look ok, so I guess you used Berserk proberly. However, your Annhi looks too low (maybe a gear thing)


Also, you can move your bars and keybind them all. Do that for at least for your most used 20-24 skills/relics


Edit: Here is mine, no Frenzy/Bloodthirst/Stims/Adrenal/Agent buff used, only warri and sorc buff, was at ~1475 when I stopped hitting:



NEVER EVER clip ravage, it is always a DPS loss. Ravage is free and hits harder then any other 2 GCDs put together. Edited by Hizoka
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NEVER EVER clip ravage, it is always a DPS loss. Ravage is free and hits harder then any other 2 GCDs put together.


This. Especially with Ravager talent (a must-have for PVE, I would say).


1.2 completely changed the landscape for Anni Marauder, in terms of Ravage utility. Before it was barely more damage than 2 Vicious Slashes and wouldn't offer up a chance to reset Rupture. After, it hits just about as hard as two back-to-back Annihilates.


It shouldn't merely be clipped to the first two hits, and if at all possible should be woven into the priority rotation and used on cooldown (you have leeway on Annihilator dropping, and 2 Annihilates' worth of damage for 0 rage is preferable to 1 Annihilate's worth of damage for 4 rage).


On top of that, 1k DPS on Ops dummy with no buffs, no stim, no adrenal/relic, and a short enough duration to use only 5 Berserks doesn't seem at all out of line.


Looks like you fixed the other big problem you had, which was wasting rage on Force Scream. For Annihilate, it's really only useful as an emergency ranged attack in PVE or PVP.

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I've been saying this since day 1, and laughing at everyone who thinks they are getting more dps by clipping it.



Prior to 1.2, it was a DPS gain to clip it. Post-1.2 it is never worth using unless you intend to complete the channel.


So you're right and wrong, all at once. :p


The most useful trait of Ravage before its insane buffage was that you could pop off half its damage in 1s with a reduced GCD. The most useful trait of Ravage after 1.2 is that it hits like a truck and you force an enemy to either load up your resolve bar, hope they can escape (unlikely if you tapped them with Crippling Slash), or cough up 1/3 to 1/2 their HP in 2 GCDs.

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