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Black Hole Relics


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I've been looking around for info on this but only found a post that was dealing mainly vs PvP. I just dinged 50 not too long ago and then the 1.2 Patch dropped on me. I'm not sure on some of the game mechanics still but from what I've found...


Internal and Elemental have their damage reduced from things like Consular's buff and some talents

Shock and Kinetic have dmg reduced from armor


For a PvE oriented Sentinel, which relic would be better? I didn't see anything in the talent tree's that would boost either damage but I also don't know either bosses have resists or more armor. Advice?

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On basic hit, kinetic deals 171 per hit on boss(Karagga). 13 Damage less than internal one would. However, sometimes it would deal 197 on normal hit - can't say if it was from more armor debuffs or what, but it happens. If you're Combat specced, you have Precision up for 6 sec every 15(9 sec downtime if you use every CD) That means it will hit for full 246 damage - 62 more than internal relic would deal at this time.


It procs on average every 6.5 sec. It's possible that it will place itself around one Precision, but it should then fall into next one. One hit during Precision makes up for 3 outside it, so in long run kinetic/energy would deal more damage.


However you should remember it's dependant on others placing armor debuffs on your target - if they won't, damage of basic hit will go down. Also, in case of Watchman you don't get 100% ArPen, and I'm not sure if in 1.2 armor reduction debuffs can reduce armor beyond 20%.

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