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PvP/Warzone Debuffs


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Because I haven't seen a topic on this.


The extra debuffs you get in warzones have to go. Why is there a debuff for medals? Why can't that be somewhere else on the interface? Why is there a debuff for PvP Trauma? Why can't that just be in the background? And why the **** is there a bolster debuff in level 50 warzones? It doesn't even effect level 50s.


Get rid of these debuffs please and make the ilum valor buff an actual buff, not a debuff. I'm sick of not being able to see actual debuffs on players from the ops frames. Its bad enough theres a cooldown on cleansing abilites and every debuff icon isn't unique. Suprised more players aren't pissed about this. :mad:

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