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Stats for maximising DPS


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I've had some thoughts bouncing around my head for a while now about my 50 Arsenal Merc's dps in raids - issues not related to the 1.2 nerfs. When fully buffed, I'm currently sitting at 35.44% crit and 77.55% surge (stims and all class buffs). During raids, there is there will be moments where Unload doesn't proc and TM doesn't crit to vent heat and the inevitable rapid shot has to be used to prevent overheat and sustain dps. Thus theoretically, more crit chance = more chance to vent heat with Unload ticks and TM crits, which should lead to greater sustained dps because you would use less rapid shots and more of your bigger abilities - this should ultimately lead to higher dps.


So my question here is, should I be using Black Hole mods to add on more crit (to reach, say 38-40%) or simply just pump more power for the raw damage? For clarification's sake, a piece, like the Black Hole Boltblaster's MK-1 Helmet would add +82 crit where the Black Hole Boltblaster's MK-1 Greaves would add +82 Power. These are the two pieces that I will use when upgrading and fully optimising my Rakata/Campaign gear.


Is it worth it to reach 40% crit at the exchange of power? Please bear in mind that these are buffed numbers - so I'm close, but not quite at the diminishing returns yet. Would love to hear from experienced Arsenal Mercs and Dpsers.


Also one question: my ranged crit is 35.44% and my tech crit is 36.34% but surge is the same. Ranged is white damage and tech is yellow to my knowledge - but why is this different?


EDIT: Just in case, I'll post a few of my other stats: 2076 Aim, 99.06 Ranged Accuracy (109.06% Tech Accuracy), 534 Ranged Bonus Damage and 851.7 Tech Bonus Damage. Any further suggestions (especially accuracy) would be much welcome - I'm often wondering what is the real accuracy to hit - some say 98 is enough, some say 100% is a must. I don't want to waste slots on accuracy so some clarification here (preferably with some sort of proof) would be appreciated.

Edited by Eyezee
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You need 1% more accuracy to not miss. It is 110% Tech/special Attack Accuracy and 100% ranged. (i have confirmed this looking at full raid logs and seeing that my rail shot was missing right at 2% of the time when i was at the 98/108% i now have not had a miss since moving it to 100/110%)


I try to keep my Crit right around 350 and it gives my tech just over 40% crit chance. I would recommend moving some of your surge over and get it around 75% (DR really kicks in pretty hardcore after this)


I prefer to have my crit up in order to have better burst and heat regen. I average in the 1450-1500 range on a Ops dummy (i am better geared then you based on the stats you gave) and i have great burst ability, of course it was better before HSM was nerfed all to hell.

Edited by Arthug
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tech/ranged crit are different due to Cunning. Just mouse over the crit on your tech and you will see it


Erm, Aim your mean?


Thanks for the clarification, that helped tons and cleared up alot of my concerns. I shall be boosting my acc and crit, and looking closer at my meters. One question though: there are now power/crit or pure power enhancements, so I don't see a way to cap surge at 75 as stacking power/surge or crit/surge enhancements will push me past 75 for sure.

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I dropped accuracy points out of my skill tree and added the +4% alacrity from it and right now my surge is a little over but its not as high as yours.


Cunning is correct.


Cunning is the Tech Stat, so all your cunning datacrons and base cunning you have adds to tech power/crit

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Wow, thanks for the uber quick reply. You gave me some stuff to think of now to min/max. Looks like I need to make a trip to pick up all the cunning crons that I missed when picking up the aim and end ones. Really appreciate your help Arthug!
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