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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Cademimu] Please increase Cademimu Sharpshooter's Gloves drop rate


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Dear devs,


I personally hold that this is a bug, but as I have been advised that the drop rate is "working as intended", I humbly request that you drastically increase the drop rate of the following item:


Cademimu Sharpshooter's Gloves


I have been able to get multiples of each of the other Sharpshooter's items, including two of the ugly helm, but have not seen head nor tail of any gloves.


How many runs should one expect to make, killing every NPC, to get a drop?


50? 100? 1000?


Please consider that these are just a cosmetic item and have no legitimate reason for being ultra rare, especially considering that they bind on pickup.


I ask that you ensure that such other items have their rarity made somewhat fairer and more appropriate.


Kind regards


Edited by llesna
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