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Enraged/ Focused Defence, Possible Improvements


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So there has been complaints in game and on forums about this ability. I for one, have never tried it and according to what people say, don't plan on even using it much. Now if there were, let's say, a few changes or improvements to this ability it would be accepted and used more. If the ability worked like the Shadow's "Force Breach" (or Assassin's "Discharge") in an effect that changed with each "Technique" or "Charge" (meaning the Forms) then maybe it would be more useful.



  • To balance it out increase the cool-down to maybe one minute.
  • Keep the heal, but increase it to 4%- It wipes people clean (almost) of their focus/ rage, and both the Juggernaut and the Guardian have a hard enough time keeping it.
  • The heal is standardized, you must be in a form to get the full effect.
  • Soresu Form- Now Imagine this, being stunned and still gaining threat! Allow this form to give the ability a "Increases threat by a moderate amount" and each tic increases threat. If monsters are attacking you (many) it works to be an AoE threat builder.
  • Shien Form- Reduces threat, Increases damage reduction by 5%
  • Shii-Cho Form- Also reduces threat and abilities that use Focus/ Rage restore one additional Rage/ Focus


This is a suggestion mainly for the employees, but I would love to hear thoughts and comments.

Edited by Morefunnest
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No decent guardian will have focus generation issue's in Shii-cho, hell I don't have much of an issue in Sorensu either. I think the heal should tick on its own and heal 8% of health every second for 5 seconds. Maybe a 1 min 30 second cooldown on top of that. Otherwise, it really is useless in PVP.


This really isn't OP when you consider the viability of shadow/assassin tanks in PVP, or even sentinels/marauders. I usually die 3-4X more on my guardian than on my assassin or sentinel. I do far more damage on my assassin and slightly more on my sentinel. The trick is, their defensive abilities (with low cooldowns) make it very easy to survive. A guardian on the other hand, has no escape and less mitigation in shi-choo. So while we always still take dmg, the other classes can escape and take none.

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I have tried each spec as a level 43 Guardian- As a tank I didn't have much of an issue, but as Vigilance my abilities literally inhaled my Focus causing me to take time to regain it again. In PvP I would have just enough focus to use the ability, but never enough to really get the heal as it uses my only source of damage, Focus. I, for one, have practically removed the spell from my ability bar. Edited by Morefunnest
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I think it should be moved "closer" to Rebuke\Cloak of Pain in terms of uptime, benefit and cost (which is zero for CloP). While I understand that head-on comparison isn't entirely valid, because those are different classes, and the value of cooldowns is decided in correlation with the rest of their combat systems.


But in this case, E\FD is inferior, especially for tanks, thanks to Soresu Focus generation limitations. I use it often as Vigilance - and I don't have a lot of problems with Focus, but for such a short-duration cooldown, its cost-to-benefit ratio could be more favorable.

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