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Artifice woes


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People can make and sell augments and implants but the Artifice cannot make their high end relics to sell. As it stands, Bioware ruined the crystal market with the Rakghoul event and the explotive ease that enabled everyone to acquire the +41 crystal that was exclusive to the artifice. I cannot sell my crystals period now.


Great work thoughtless Bioware.:mad:

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Wait a few weeks my god... the thing about mmo's no one wants their toons to look like anyone else and im sure we will be able to sell the crystals when everyone gets tire of seing the Green and Black all over the place. Magenta sells hot right now work on that. Also Crit your purple weildables they will have an aug slot and those are selling like hotcakes atm.
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Not everyone strives to have a unique benefit of a few stat points as the defining reason for their crew skill. Right now, I'm making the crit-crafted wieldables and lightsabers for my companions, my alts, and my Guardian buddy and companions. Keeps me busy, and space missions provide plenty of credits for the resources.
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