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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

One Med Pack Per Fight?!?!


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/signed and supported


I hate the limitation in place now, as it makes some barely-possible-to-solo-before quests (usually a bit under-level heroics or similar) that much harder.


On a more sensible note, being suddenly attacked by another mob before healing can be a right pain sometimes if a wanderer gets you.


There was no real need for this, only a perceived need.

Edited by llesna
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I am not someone that usually comes into forums to complain about something... but this ONE medpack per fight is really torquing me off. I find it very frustrating when soloing (which I tend to do a bit since there only seems to be 5 or 6 players at most playing on the planets that I am on at a time) and even more frustrating when the NPCs are able to spam the living crap out of heals... either reduce the NPC's ability to spam heals or give us back the ability to heal at our pace... it was frustrating when it only worked for 1 minute cool downs, but only once is mighty damn frustrating and causes me to want to discontinue my accout...


...A game is supposed to entertain and relax you, not frustrate the living crap out of you!

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Either let me use different kinda of medpacs [1 lower level, one my level, or what not], or just give me a medpac cooldown. If a fight lasts 2 minutes, there is no reason I can't use the medpacs [that I often buy] to keep the fight going, rather than die and restart?


I don't complain about much about this game... But this is one thing I wish they would reconsider.

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