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Whats happening with the game?


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first of all, i want to point i love the game, i am not a doomsayer or anything like that.

i am just concern with what is happening like many others, if not like all of us.


the month pre-patch 1.2 my server imp side score a 150+ people during the weekdays, while other several planets and WZs was being populated fairly well, this numbers increase to 180+ on the flee on weekends and what not.


the week patch 1.2 launch. the server score a 240+ every say of that week on the flee and the planets and Wz was relatively having lots of people.


now.. this week.. the flee as score 110 people on prime times during weekdays, the planets and the pvp population as decrease drastically to the point that is impossible to do heroics in some planets,

this never happened before on this realm *adjunta pall*

i have being looking the realms list constantly and checking in other of the realms i have characters, and all are the same the population drops...


i would like to know whats going on? its the game really starting to fall?

i know this next Monday certain game is launching.. and that is just the begin of many new games release, its Bioware really prepare for deal with this and making the game survive? the game is not new anymore after almost half year around, and PVP lacks the emotion of arena, class balance or true regard for people that put time and effor on it, Wow big blame is that is to easy and care to much for casuals, if they start doing that on this game, this is truly a doom game, PVE lack real big epic raids... a group of okay players s can go trow all denova with not really play they best, and im talking about hardmode, hardmode denova is already beat in many servers for many guilds, and its only 3 weeks old?, this game is failing in give the player what they really want, a sense of accomplishment , sure elitist players ruin the game, but be honest with yourself people, who do not want to feel they did something great that really MEANS something, or to show up to all your awesome new gear/weapon/mount w/e you like. at the end thats what you spend your time playing this to have fun and feel you did something great out of the normal routine and problems


anyway, i just hope bioware be ready for the big troubles, i just hope the game doesnt become a new Rift.. barely surviving. i will stick around, i am not a happy customer, but i love the game and will be loyal till the end. just please Dear bioware... do something, and i mean really something outstanding, unseen and exiting, or i will be left playing this with a bunch of peeps in one server..

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300+ on the Fleet last night on the Oceanic PvP server.


You do realise i am talking about American servers right? maybe you should take a look on Europe and american servers, witch happen to be the core of the game population.


oh and i guess sorry for the spelling and what not.. not my native language, but hey my italian its perfect!

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