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merc healer pve


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hello im new to this game and usually i play wow and im very good with hunter+healing so i thought why not making hunter heal but the problem im still lvl 32 and ppl in my server said that healing bh sucks in pve and not many guild take them as a healer so im wondering is it true should i lvl another healer


and if its fine whats the best stats bh healers should get



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If you seriously want to heal the best you can then Bounty Hunter/Commando is absolutely not for you. It is certainly possible to successfully heal with them in both PvE and PvP, but you will find it noticeably harder and more frustrating than the other healing classes.


The dps isn't much to write home about either. You do OK damage but the skill cap is pathetically low and you bring possibly the least utility in the game.


Of course, if you want to play the class (think it's cool, whatever) then play the class. The gap between it and others isn't THAT bad.

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If you seriously want to heal the best you can then Bounty Hunter/Commando is absolutely not for you. It is certainly possible to successfully heal with them in both PvE and PvP, but you will find it noticeably harder and more frustrating than the other healing classes.


The dps isn't much to write home about either. You do OK damage but the skill cap is pathetically low and you bring possibly the least utility in the game.


Of course, if you want to play the class (think it's cool, whatever) then play the class. The gap between it and others isn't THAT bad.


Sorry but hard is relative to the person healing. Pre1.2 no problems healing, after 1.2 still the same, no problems healing.


Not everyone is the same so people will function differently in certain roles/classes. To be honest I suck as a sorc healer (and deleted him at level 50) but I function more then fine with a merc healer (yet to try operative).


I could not say for certain why I would excel at one that would be considered challenging vs another that is not so challenging. I can only speculate that my play style is more adept at how a merc is played vs a sorc.

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Sorry but hard is relative to the person healing. Pre1.2 no problems healing, after 1.2 still the same, no problems healing.


Not everyone is the same so people will function differently in certain roles/classes. To be honest I suck as a sorc healer (and deleted him at level 50) but I function more then fine with a merc healer (yet to try operative).


I could not say for certain why I would excel at one that would be considered challenging vs another that is not so challenging. I can only speculate that my play style is more adept at how a merc is played vs a sorc.


My BS meter is pegged, but I will bite. PVE or PvP?

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My BS meter is pegged, but I will bite. PVE or PvP?


Ok so our guild BH healer was about to unsub post 1.2 ... he did some reading and looked at some new rotations (that work in cooldowns fyi) and now he is healing fine.


One thing nobody talks about is synergy between healing classes. My sorc healer pegged over 2k HPS in raid while he was in the 1100 to 1200 range BUT when I wass OOF I called it out and replentished my pool while he healed me up, he then vented heat and it was a complete healer reset. OPs can do similar but not as fast, BH is the best for this action.


OH and FYI I did some testing and my 2000HPS was WITH overhealing, AOE's on the twins in Karaga's there is a lot of overhealing as most of the raid is in range of the AOE, so the BIG difference in HPS isnt as big as implied by the numbers.


Healing is definitely a challenge right now but that is why we play games right? for the challenge?


I think it is a bit much tbh but pre 1.2 pve healing was a joke, my sorc had infinite force and the BH's never overheated...


it is a change for the better like it is, next change SHOULD be some love though they overshot the mark a little, but still viable imo.

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