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Which daily com dps relic?


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I have enough commendations to get one of the new daily com relics but was unsure of which one to get.


Hoping I can get some advice from fellow commandos.


One of them is the activated 405 power which seems very good. I am more interested in the ones you do not have to activate though.


Two of them offer unmitigatable damage (internal / elemental) which sounds nice.


Two of them have higher base damage (kenetic / energy) but are mitigatable by armor. These are the two I am most curious about. Would a gunnery commando using the armor pen cell + grav round get a higher benefit from these? Does the proc work independantly of any sort of armor decreasing debuff on the target making them all balance out?


A final question - Do people buy the activated one and one of the proc type relics and shelve their matrix shard relic?


I greatly appreciate any help given. Thanks for your time.

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