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Healing Groupmate and his companion on Accident


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The first thing I should say is that I'm new to healing. Having said that I'm not new to MMOs and I know how to play. I play a lvl 50 Marauder (the bane of yall's existence for what I've read here). But I digress, the issue I'm having is fairly simple though I don't know what I'm doing wrong or how to fix it. I am leveling a commando with a friend smuggler and on a regular basis my commando somehow targets his companion while I'm trying to attack a target and it starts healing him using the basic heal ( the one from the gun) since its the same key as the basic attack. I've been checking myself making sure I'm not pressing Ctrl+Tab (target friendly key bind) or any other combination that would make this happen. I'm pretty certain it was something I was doing, but now I'm not so sure. Now, we are lvl 21 and I can say its been happening frequently lately. Anyone else having the same or similar issue? Thanks
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I've seen this on my sage (healer). It seems the game auto target either mobs or friendly target from time to time. I dont know why.

This is really annoying when you try to heal yourself when low hp, and it sudddenly switch to an almost full life ally, wasting your heal, and precious time.

I've checked the option, and I haven't found any auto targeting activated.


I wish I know how to stop that.

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