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Missile Blast knockdown


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With everyone asking for a fix to merc and giving them a chance for more utility, how about extending the knockdown effect of Missile Blast to pvp, except instead of making it a knockdown make it a 1s root effect (additional effect interrupts force leaps). Take the aoe splash away, maybe even dial back the dmg a bit. Hell, even up the heat cost to 33 in order to keep it from being spammed.


This might give merc pvp an additional tool to counter melee.

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A tiny cc like that just chalks up an enemies resolve making it not too worth it, added heat cost would also hurt people who use it for leveling.


I think because of it's ability to knock down weak pve mobs was its compensation/excuse for having low dmg anyways I dont even bother to waste the heat on it when rapid shots with inciderary procs usually does more.


If theyre going to add ultiliy (which they definately should) it's going to be a new skill all together, anything they do to bring arsenal closer to a pvp spec the further it'll get from being strong in pve

Edited by Rethban
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