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So just rolled a Sentinel alt. Does anyone have a good hotbar setup?


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Also what skills should i bind to keys instead of the 4 hotbars? My main is a 50 Vanguard my alt sentinel is now level 38 and my hotbar has gotten full. I am looking for something that makes sense as i don;'t like how mine looks. Sorry if there was already a thread about this.
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Here's what I use for PVE (since I don't have to be running around chasing PvPers):

I've got on my 1 through =: Strike, Slash, Leap, Sweep, Cyclone Slash, Master Strike, Zealous Strike, Cauterize, Merciless Slash, Rebuke, Zen, Overload Saber.


Then I've got Force Kick bound to the ` key next to 1.

I've got Pommel Strike on F, Force Stasis on R, Opportune Strike on T, Resolute on B and Pacify on G.


The rest (defensive skills like Camo and GBtF) I leave unbound but on my bottom hotbar so that I can get to them with a quick click.


This allows me to use the majority of my skills on the number bar with my two hands, with those I don't use a whole lot (Sweep, Cyclone, Master Strike) in the middle there. But I can execute my entire opening combo on tougher enemies with one hand (Overload Saber, Rebuke, Zealous, Cauterize, Merciless, Master Strike), also adding in Zen if I need to off that same hand.


Works for me. I don't have a gaming mouse and I'm not totally against using clicks for things if I have to. Also I've thrown skills like Leg Slash, Crippling Throw, Blade Storm, Riposte and Transcendence completely off my bars since I never use them.

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