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Pvp/Crafting boxes...


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I have a few questions on these.. mainly because of what I've heard or read somewhere and what I've seen.


What exactly, if anything, is special about these boxes? I had heard, maybe read, somewhere that schematics drop from these as well but have yet to see or hear someone actually getting one. Is this true or false?


What uses the rare materials? I have yet to also see anything require the rare obtained materials I've seen come out of these boxes.


And finally.. Are they even worth it right now? I either have bad RNG or they just dont seem to supply enough mats to actually justify the amount of currency spent on these.


Any info would be much appreciated.

Edited by FizzGigg
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the rank 7 boxes are probably worth it since the rank 7 boxes would only contain the purple quality items for crafting, (all other gathering from players is maxed at grade 6). The grade 6 boxes have too much of a "luck of the draw" you might get some blue quality items (no predicting what profession its for). I grabbed like 10 boxes of the grade 6 stuff and it was all crap, i was hoping it would have a chance at biometric crystal alloys but no luck.
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The PvP crafting boxes contains only green or blue mats, though you can get the special Uprai/Durasteel stuff that only drops in daily area (not like they're hard to get, though). I've gone through about 40 boxes and never saw any recipe. Their cost seems grossly out of line and should have at least a zero removed from the cost. I'd argue 50 WZ commendations is a reasonable price to pay for what usually turns out to be 2-3 generic blue mat.
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