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What specc to take for soloing dailies?


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I was thinking if I gear up my tanking companion 4X and specc myself as medic and try to go doing dailies and heroics. On my server there is no much people and finding a group to do daily heroics on corellia and ilum is pain in the ***. Sometimes I'm totally alone on Ilum :( Right now while I'm writing this here are 3 people, including me and both of them are afk not willing to group with me to do heroic.

So my question :

is it any better with tanking companion or DPS and me as healer? Do I speed up doing dailies?

Will I be manage to do some heroics alone?

To do all dailies on Ilum and Corellia I spend 4+ hours and sometimes if I don't watch out how I pull I get killed. I usually die once per day... it's not fun and I don't remember being so squishy before 1.2 patch. Well I'm not complaining about that, if BW want this game to be harder, I'm ok with that but then I just need some tips how to improve myself to be faster, more efficient and independent from other players.


P.S.: I don't PVP as I lost all will to do so after 2 weeks after I bought game.

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I managed to solo all the Heroic dailies except the 4mans as Gunnery+Elara even in Blue/Corellia modded gear.


Just a question of getting the CC right, and kiting/LOS'ing the champs in the Belsavis 2 man.


Whether that's still possible with that level of gear after the recent unpleasantness remains to be seen (as I struggled a little doing the Ilum 2 man the other day despite full Rakata gear and Elara in full Columi)


I cant vouch for CM, but I'd imagine most of the same rules apply, it will just take a bit longer as you;re relying on your companion for more of your dps.

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I think a point should be made that was brought up here...no class should be really able to do 2-man Dailies alone, unless you and your companion are both tier2+ geared. They're quests that are specifically made to be done by 2 people...including companions. They should be *really* hard to do with a single person+companion.


Then again, I don't do dailies on my Commando. I have a Shadow Tank :p even the +4 isn't too hard with a shadow tank.

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I think a point should be made that was brought up here...no class should be really able to do 2-man Dailies alone, unless you and your companion are both tier2+ geared. They're quests that are specifically made to be done by 2 people...including companions. They should be *really* hard to do with a single person+companion.


Then again, I don't do dailies on my Commando. I have a Shadow Tank :p even the +4 isn't too hard with a shadow tank.

First you say heroic quests are not supposed to be soloed and in next sentence you gloat that you do 4+ heroics on your tank... Thank you.

Problem is that some servers like mine have very low population and it is very very hard to find group to do those quests. So my only option to do them is to solo them.

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First you say heroic quests are not supposed to be soloed and in next sentence you gloat that you do 4+ heroics on your tank... Thank you.

Problem is that some servers like mine have very low population and it is very very hard to find group to do those quests. So my only option to do them is to solo them.

because stealthers can skip a lot of it (they're not actually completing all of the objectives though)



as for soloing dailies, i go gunnery with forex or elara geared as well as they can get, tanking and healing, respectively (not dps)


for the H2 on ilum, just be sure to use your mezzes and stuns liberally for each pull (regardless of your spec). and AOE as much as possible until the first couple are down

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