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having issues with assassins


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I absolutely love the pvp in this game, but since 1.2 dropped I've been having real issues with deception spec'd sins and the jedi like. I'm almost full battlemaster gear, with the exception of the ear piece and two implants, and wow I don't knnow what it is but sins on my server are literally tearing through my health like I don't even have any expertise. Has anyone else had any problems with this? I'm running deep madness spec for the mobility because I figured stopping to cast as lightning spec is a big kick me sign. Anyways thanks in advance, happy hunting =)
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you are quite correct I am playing a sorc. Usually I'm pretty good with kiting, played a warlock in WoW from 05 to 09. But I can't seem to figure out whats going wrong with deception sins, they pop cloak which only lasts for 2 or 3 secs but in that time they hit me like a truck, they eat through my bubble and burst me down. It's rather irritating when I can usually hold my own against other classes as long as I manage my cds and relics properly
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Assuming the Sin is good and has ZERO Resolve you should try your best to run away.


If you want to fight 31 Madness is a solid choice against Assassins but has terrible Force Regen so against any good team -meaning you are in combat for over 5 min straight- you will run dry.


Another talent that helps is Electric Binding -root on knock back. Again its more of an escape mechanic.




One more option does exists but to me Id rather have a root canal because its based on out lasting via healing. Spec 8 into healing and manage CDs and heal fully 2 or 3 times and you might win....but then again he can vanish!

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