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Creating the Perfect PVE Maurader


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I appeared to have posted this in the wrong section the first time, so lets see how this one goes...


I was hoping to foster some sort of ongoing theorycrafting debate on the best possible Maurader PVE gear.


Currently with a rakata stim and buffed I have finally broke the 2k str threshold, that was impossible pre 1.2.... However I am searching for the best possible gear for each slot, and I would like advice on where to go from here.



Instead of listing each specific piece I intend to just answer any questions, and then post stats in comparison to any gear listed that might be better.

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get less crit, lower accuracy slightly, more surge(around 75%) and power

get moddable belt and bracers from legacy vendor


What is the soft cap on crit? From what I have read 105%+ was desired for accuracy why do you recommend going lower?


How do the moddable belt and bracers compare to augmented Rakata waist/Wrist? (18 str / 12 end augments)



I love having recommendations however I would like some sort of content beyond simply listing stuff you personally feel should be changed. I am more looking for the why not the what.

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You definitely want more Surge. In addition, get augment slots on everything you can.


I'm very confused by your GUI by the way. It makes me wonder how that works for you...


Okay I can see a common theme is I am missing out on surge, 75% is what was previously mentioned do you agree?


I have augment slots in every slot but my earpiece, and the matrix cube.


As far as the gui it's all personal preference. I don't click any skills whatsoever so they don't need to be large to see. I am also at the point with my maurader that my rotation is all in my head. Cd's / timing / refereshing dots ect. are all sort of a rhythm playing for me during normal dps phases.


However if I do need to look I have been using this gui since 1.2 came out so I know exactly where everything is. I am sure at first glance it looks confusing and cramped but I always preferred less looking at your skills more paying attention to your surroundings.

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crit seems to have diminishing returns rather than a cap - at 200 crit, each point gave me .034 crit percent, at 275 each gave .0304, at 350 crit each gave .0274.. im guessing you're around 400-450 crit rating, where the return is .02. this means to increase crit by 1%, you need 50 crit rating. to increase dps by 1%, you need 50/(surge percent). For you, that is 78 crit rating. in contrast, 78 power gives around 18 dmg. Given that you have around 900 primary dmg, this is a 2% dmg increase. Also, crit is less usefull due to autocritting with berserk and power gives a larger multiplier for special attacks.


accuracy i've heard 8 or 10 percent is the defense rating of op bosses, so thats the amount you want. theres never been an official announcement of this and stat tests can tell you whats likely true but not absolute truth.


If you use deft mod 25 and might armoring for the belt/bracers, you can get 146 str+power(at high levels they are essentially tradeable 1-to-1) while the rakata augmented gives 103 str and 37 crit or 132 str+power. So it is a bit of an increase, but its more useful in that you can customize it based on which stats you need

Edited by akabane_k
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