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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Low lvl pvp scaling issues


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does anyone have a good understanding on how this scaling works? early on in the game low lvls such as 10-19 abilitys hit as much as a 49's but now is i find my self on my alts getting slamed for 3k all the time on my alts by the same classes with same abilitys i have when my crits are half of what their hittng for.


example last wz i my max damage crit was in the 1700's but max healing crit was in the 3800's. (on a sage non heal spec)

ive also noticed on my sentinal his direct damage is about scaled right but the dot are hitting slightly above or at the lvl im currently at(dot spec)


anyone understand why it seem like high lvls have a damage advantage over lower lvls

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