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Petition: Calling all Marauders


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Calling all Marauders across the Galaxy, it is time for us to take a stand and get what we deserve.

I'm talking about our Savage kick and pommel strike ablities, in PVP and warzones. If Jedi can have their version of those abilities and i know they do, then us, Marauders should have ours as well. plus we need a faster cool down on unleashed. We are getting stunned and mind controled ever time we turn around, with a 2 minute CD, its kinda hard to get free befor 2 or 3 more do the same thing to ya, so there for our CD for Unleashed should be 15 to 30 seconds but not 2 minute. We also like to have some kind of counter for all the force pushing and other types of push back abilities, some type of force repell to attempt to try to block some of those push backs. This is our REQUEST to Bioware.....

Edited by Sith-Viscera
changed mind wrong place and i recently learned it is against the rules so im just trying to remove it sorry if it caused problwems
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no has nothing to do with l2 play around i played around with every skilled tree u name it ive done it plus i know from my alts i have mostly IMP sided and a couple Repub side and i know what they have and there strong points and weaknesses so its the marauder, i mean yes u can do good but if we had what we should we be doing great almost every time.


If you r a Mara, just sign plz.......

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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