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I have some suggestions, my english sucks but i don't care:


  1. GTN Selling limits
    Right now you can only sell 50 items on GTN, make a legacy expansion for this OR sum all your characters levels to unlock more slots. Example: i have a 50 + a level 43, i can now sell 93 items on the GTN on each character.
  2. Legacy bank
    Unify all characters cargo hold, even cross-faction (since you can already use mail system to transfer items).
    There's a problem here, bound itens and other things, my solution is add new tabs named "Shared" or "Legacy Bank" that only allows tradeable items to be stored. It would be GREAT if you could craft using the items from those shared tabs, just like it works right now but its character limited.
  3. Tooltips should never be abstract.
    "Grants a bonus to your total Healing received". It should be something like: "Grants a 1% bonus to your total Healing received. Only applies to PVE enviroments" or "Bonus is not applied in warzones".
  4. Legacy datacrons
    All characters should receive the datacrons you already got, but maybe not the shards (red/yellow/blue/green) if you guys think its too much. Its a great experience the first time you do but it gets old and grindy pretty fast.
  5. Stop deprecating things
    First when you saw a "battlemaster" title in someones head you knew that he grinded hes way up and now you can farm that so easily. Vip bracer that i spent 1m so i could get the mount (1.5m) and suddenly you can get it without getting the bracer on a fleet npc. People grinded social points and you removed the requirement to get some mounts and other things i dont remember.
  6. Fresh 50's VS pvp
    Force people to make a quest that gives all the recruit gear or that he can skip it if he have the money, before he enters the 50 bracket for the first time. 12k hp + 0 expertise = slaughter. Give it for free if you want, maybe you can get a pack once you hit 50 with all the recruit gear.
  7. Stop making new tiers of gear for at least 6 months
    Its already confusing for new people, its grindy for old people. I know, i know, people want to be rewarded, so here's my suggestions:
    7.a) new types of datacrons that you can get on every difficult of every flashpoints and ops.
    - I finish Eternity Vault on normal mode, once SOA is dead a datacron/codex can be obtained that gives you a +5 to some stat, ofc you can only get it once. Same thing for nightmare mode but a new datacron, again, you can only get it once.
    - I finish Kaon Under Siege on hard mode, i can get a datacron/codex entry.
    7.b) you say people want to walk on their new hot pants so maybe new sets of orange gear (schematics!!! not the gear), just for the cosmetics.
  8. More orange schematics
    if its too hard to create then just put on the crew skill npc. theres several looks that were removed from the game like champion/centurion gear that could be already there.
  9. armor rating should bind to the armoring and hilt
    so you dont lose armor rating when using orange gear smaller than your max
  10. better gear preview
    right now you cant really see how the gear will look, i mean, improve the quality




i have plenty more, but im curious to see if people will hate these ones

Edited by repz
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