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Arsenal thinking of Pyro for pvp. Advice needed


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Hey ladies and gents.

first hand i apologise if this is something thats been asked to death but without the search function searching for the correct post is just 2 annoying.


im playing an alt leveling an merc as Arsenal at the moment and ive played a trooper up to 50 so the i know the build well since their, well mirrors. im doing pvp builds since i like to pvp alot while im doing my stories on the sides. i never really tried the pyro side of the trooper and now im considering trying out the Pyro on my merc since ive been hearing that the arsenal is kinda gimped at the moment with bugged skills and well figured this would be a good a time if i was to test it out to see if i like it.


first off how would you guys say pyro vs arsenal handles in pvp since 1.2 is the diffrences marginal so basicly just go with wichever matches your playstyle better. or is one alot stronger over the other at the moment?



also if someone could post a good PvP Pyro build with suggested rotation to help get me started.

i know its abit lazy but honestly i prefer getting some advice from people thats played the class longer and builds then just testing my way at this point :p


oh and stats priority on Pyro would be nice as well. im guessing crit 30ish? >power > surge or does the crit power slot switch slots?


Thanks in before hand for the advice

edited: oh and i am talking about 50 pvp now btw. wanted to get a jump start on it to get use to the playstyle if i switch

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