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Server Merges, Server Transfers, Rated Warzones


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Hi everybody,


how come there are almost completely dead servers where no pve and hardly any pvp is going on and there is still no eta on server merges / server transfers and rated warzones.


Take a look at those numbers: http://www.cassus-fett.de/screenshots/Serverzahlen.jpg

Sadly I´m on the 3rd least populated server.


People are quitting and pausing which for pvp/pve guilds leads to even more quitting.

Why can´t they do this right? Pleaaaasseeee! :()

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Would be nice to at least get server transfers some time soon. Rated Warzones are coming (supposively in the near furture). Not like that will mean much for most servers. My server will have enough for maybe 3 teams at peak time and thats a big maybe.
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EA always refuses to merge servers or admit failure in any of their games. (Ostrich with its head in the sand. If they can't see any danger or problems, then they must not exist.) The free month that they gave all their subs was simply to try and save their quarterly figures. The truth is they have over 80 NA servers open with little or no active populations. They don't care about their players and they never have.
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There must be some political message in this issue they dont wanna send out, bcuz its pure logic to merge servers.

Guess they dont wanna send out the message that they have to merge servers since to few ppl r playing their game .... i dunno !!


QUOTE: "Some dude named George" : It have come to our attention, that not being able to play the game, bcuz of to few players on the servers, may be a reason why people will cancel their subscription.

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EA always refuses to merge servers or admit failure in any of their games. (Ostrich with its head in the sand. If they can't see any danger or problems, then they must not exist.) The free month that they gave all their subs was simply to try and save their quarterly figures. The truth is they have over 80 NA servers open with little or no active populations. They don't care about their players and they never have.


Really? They were continually merging servers in Warhammer Online.

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Rateds will not come before server merger/transfers I don't believe the system was broken I think they put out a broken system so we would all think oh glad the waited otherwise people on dead servers would scream to the hill tops
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Theyre very aware of this issue. Its only a shame they didnt predict it sooner. the fact that theyre allowing people to reroll from fresh, something ive done, to a high pop server, when im close to valor 80, got 3 warhero pieces and give up money, legacy and several levle 50 toons because of population is laughable
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Really? They were continually merging servers in Warhammer Online.


All of their merges were months and in some cases a year or more too late. I played on all those servers. DC, Volkmar, Gorfang, all those merges lost the majority of its players long before before they ever merged. Same is already happening here and will continue to.

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