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Marauder rakata set hood


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Hello everyone!


Ater patch 1.2 I noticed, that all weaponmaster rakata set chests (tionese/columi/rakata) have now very wierd hood. They used to be big, covered almost whole face - just like any other hood in the game, marauder pvp armor for instance. So it seems, that rakata set is the only one affected by this texture bug.

It makes me really sad, because I loved the look of my marauder with his hood on. But now it looks more like a lame dwarf from some fantasy game, deffinately not like cold-blooded superdeadly sithkiller from Star Wars.

I have observed some other marauders too, and they looked all the same. Also checked my graphic options, if it is just some texture issue on my computer - sadly, its not.


Does anyone else have the same experience please?

Edited by MMxM
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1.2 attempted to reinstitute the hood+headgear thing. It didn't work properly on release (in beta) and it doesn't work well now. My Jaesa is bald with my current usage of a hooded chestpiece and a random piece of headgear.


It's buggy as hell. This is why it wasn't ever implemented on release.


I would say that this should have been solved earlier, but... this game has FAR more issues to go through before COSMETICS are even considered. And I love cosmetics. In fact, This game kept me going because of my Marauder's cosmetics (until I got pre-1.2 Rakata Gear, that's solved now) .


Either way, the easiest way for Bioware to solve this issue is to make headgear invisible for companions as well.


I'm not sure how it works for player characters, but at least you can DISABLE headgear if it gets problematic. You cannot do this for companions. That's my biggest issue.

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