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Please for the Love of God fix my Heals


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So poost 1.2 I find the healing to be more than lack luster. Ammo management is a joke, my main heal is hitting for 2.4k and critting for a 4.8k. That is no way is going to keep my single target up and myself up if I have someone on me. Sure I can keep myself alive but in PVP that doesnt mean much when everyone else around me is dying. How did the Dev's figure that this change was going to make people stick around being a medic? Most of the time I am the only healer in a WZ and most of that time I am watching people get slaughtered because A: I am out of ammo because I am trying to keep everyone up B: The resolve system is still ****ed and C:My heals dont hit nearly as hard as other healers. At this point I dont want to heal anymore but hey the last few months grinding combat medics BM gear has kind of put a damper on the whole getting dps gear. So I guess I can switch up and go with some gimped DPS. Oh fun times, what a waste of a valor 70+ class Edited by Saltydogg
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After some serious Warzones and Hard Modes I can actually say its not as bad as all that.

Yes I run out of ammo faster.

No I cant spam cast Medical Probe.

Yes I actually need to think about ammo management.


As odd as it seems this is actually MORE fun for me (I can't believe it myself!) as it adds another dimension of play that wasn't there before and another avenue to set apart the mediocre from the good.

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i can't believe you say this serious, now it's the festival of zerg.They destroyed the last tactical gameplay there is in this game.

They always support and encourage soloers and casual gamers (obviously dpser) and discourage the teamwork of healer/tank and idiot that can't make a decent focus on the healer always were awarded. :mad:


The nerfs on the healer isn't the problem, the overpowered Tanksin, marauder etc. isn't the problem.

The new TTK is the problem.

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i also stop playing my bodyguard. not because the nerf but killing ppl is more fun after you take the beating for 3 mth.


it's not that hard to grind BM gear. i got my full set in 5 days.


you'll do fine as gunnery with medic gear. fast casting and high crit change.


anyway, regarding healing... i think your mistake is try to heal everyone up. stop healing worthless ppl. heal your tank>other healer>your best dps


there was a time i keep healing for 300k each match but lose a lot. 1 day i change my style, heal around 75k but i win a lot.

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