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1.3 ideas or future content ideas


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a good idea for star wars is to create legacy banks there all legacy characters will have access in this bank every character will be able to add credits and items , even if the items are bound. All legacy characters there can withdraw credits and items (and bound items) :) Edited by bleblesspyros
easy game
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-People that would otherwise get kicked for being "afk" shouldn't be kicked from the WZ but the next WZ they ques for they get into a group with no one else but the other afk players ..... aka someone shouldn't get removed from a WZ because people run by them and there dead and report them(even though they were bugged and were spam clicking the release button)


-OR they are sent back into the starting area where that CD will kick the afk players

Edited by Penfookio
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Flag certain areas as immune from AFK log out. Specifically, I am thinking about the Tatooine balloon ride. I suspect there are others.


Of course I haven't "moved" for awhile.... There was no where to go! I could not believe I got logged out in the middle of a ride!

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allow us to raid other factions fleet or citys


What our guild tends to do, is get a raiding group (lvl 50's) an for the fun of it attack a republic starting base...ie; Hoth, we all travel up there then split into 2/3 people per lvl 50 rep and anhialate them, then when we get inside we play "last man standing" and who dies last in the lvl 50 faction raid...and its more fun as you are also dealing with republic players aswell as you are automatically flagged for PvP


But an offifcial faction raid would be aweasome, and not PvP WZ based, as I for one don do PvP...although as there is nothing to do but RP at end game...the game is slowly loosing its touch of interest, it needs somthing for the none hoarders who just wanna play for fun and not constantly do HM's and PvP to nerf gear


also Player Bounties like on SWG :-)

Edited by dacentabaal
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Allow us to add augment slots to high end weapons. I really like the design of the PVP Sniper Rifle and really don't want to get rid of it for an augmented orange just so I can have a BiS item.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just found this thread. We should have:

Companion Hood/Helmet Toggle

Guild Ships

Ability to customize our ships (trophies for Bounty hunters :) )

Player Bounties

Ability to put your companion in your Legacy tree

Have legacy unlocks that aren't just credit sinks

Class story extensions

Somehow be able to set it so that you can just do your class quest and nothing else and still be on level for every quest until 50

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I would like:


  • Legacy Weapons. I want my lightsaber to be passed down throughout generations.
  • Legacy conversations. It would be fun if Ashara knew the Imps Son when she saw him (without spoiling her ending)
  • Bit out there here but during great battle sequences, no Sith worth their salt runs. They all have a menacing walk and then use sprint to move quick. When walking, sprint does nothing.
  • A "more epic" soundtrack. With the exception of the song from Episode I, the soundtrack in FPs and Ops is absolutely terrible, it adds absolutely nothing and makes fighting routine. And I don't to be routine when shooting lightning from my fingers.

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id love to see cross faction ops or FP where half the group is required to be the oppisite factions.


(aka enemys joining forces to defeat a greater enemy plenty of factions in this game the they could write to threaten both factions to join forces)

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PVP gear Brackets for 50's

give fresh 50's a chance to enjoy the game


1. make recruit gear earned not bought

2. make it so you can't enter with the next teir gear on you or in your bag for the tier (aka can't take your gear off and put it back on to get into the lower brackets)(maybe some system that pushes the jerk that trys to stay in the lower bracket instead of moving up as intended)

3 seperated it into recruit, battle master and rank WZ geared brackets (of corse ranked wzs will be its own que with its own rewards)


by doing this it will improve pvp for new 50 in pvp instead of making them reroll a new toon or quit the game all together


ALSO will make it so borded jerks that have no use in regular WZ's killing the pvp experiance for people that do need to play in them at least this way they will face player will some gear instead of one shoting the guy with no gear.


this will also allow for easier balancing in WZ's (it hard to balance with everyone QQ this class is OP when it recruit vs wz)

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id love to see cross faction ops or FP where half the group is required to be the oppisite factions.


(aka enemys joining forces to defeat a greater enemy plenty of factions in this game the they could write to threaten both factions to join forces)

We actually could do that as in the Battle of Ilum flashpoint the friendly NPCs are a mix of Republic and Imperial forces.


i mean opposing faction players i know we join force npc wise

Edited by Penfookio
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I get what you're saying I was just saying that I would work lore wise. They could even make some of the current content ( Directive 7, the Ilum and Rakghoul Flashpoints, all the operations) into cross faction teamwork. It would be even better if the group finder could mix faction that way you could make new friends on the other faction.
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ahhh i gotcha i agree sorry guild fell apart and i hate pugs without LFG finder so story in FP are hazy to none i think ive run most once ran the ops more lol curse of tanking need people i trust behind me to offten had a fail group and they yell at me even though i have no buisness in a Fp on my tank some how im at fault lol
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  • 11 months later...

there is alot of ideas in this post that still could be used one new one could be


- legacy credit bank (maybe accessable from storage )

- legacy storage ( so you can place none character bound items and pull them from any toon in your legacy)

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