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Swiftsure Win/Loss Problems


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Before 1.2, empire lost pretty often but it was still bearable. Since the patch, however, it has been an almost impossible struggle to win a warzone. It is an extremely rare event. I have played 10 warzones today to complete the weekly before it resets, and I have literally lost every single on of them. Many of these were warzones that I joined that were already losing. This is most always the case on any given day. It is extremely frustrating and takes the fun out of my favorite aspect of the game. The teams are unbalanced and the empire fails at almost every single warzone. Please do something to address this. This is in relation to the Swiftsure server, as I do not know how it is on other servers.



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Do you want to know the reason?

Australians transfered. They know how to pvp


I've havent won a single warzone today either.. all I want to do is finish my daily and go to bed.. but no..

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How is it unbalanced? It sounds like more like repubs on your server know how to play as a team better than imps. On my server, half the time it is the imps that are better. The other half the time it is equal. The classes are 100% equal between the 2 sides.


After server transfers, there is absolutely nothing at all they need to do to fix this.

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Do you want to know the reason?

Australians transfered. They know how to pvp


I've havent won a single warzone today either.. all I want to do is finish my daily and go to bed.. but no..


Are Aussies our Koreans?

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Here is the problem.. all the talented imperial pvp players transferred.. all the talented republic pvp players decided to stay so that they can face - stomp leftovers for easy points..


Is BioWare responsible? No

Can they do something about it? No


What can they do? Hurry up and get paid transfers going so that the rest of us can transfer out of this hole

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Noticed on my server (Bao-dur) that this occurrence is often tied to time of day.


Around 2pm-5pm Imperials seem to be more end of game arm chair generals who after losing blame it on everyone else for not sticking with them or because everyone didn't psychically know what they were trying to do when they storm a heavily defended republic objective on their own, and imperials will lose pretty much every single match.


Around 8-11pm, there are more prominent continuous communication focused imperials who report their situation when defending, who work with other similar players in the warzone well enough to get everyone else on the team to notice and follow their lead, and 9 times out of 10 imperials will win the warzone by a fair margin.


Not really anything Bioware can do, barring introducing team work screening tests in warzones and blocking out the solo rambo masses at certain times of the day or continue to work on implementing ranked warzones and hopefully eventually extending it to act as a general player match-up system regardless of level that actually takes into account performance...


But then that requires players to vote MvP based on actual team contribution not just "That person is in my guild and/or saved me once in a fight so I voted for them even though there were others that held the team together and did more."

Edited by Tikigit
Arm chair, not air chair. :)
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