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What two sets of gear do I need?


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Just turned 50 and Im gearing up for a pvp tank set of gear (battle master supercoolmando) and what? What gear do I get to be a powerhouse PvE tank?


Im being told you can kinda use one set for both but Im not a real big fan of half assing. I want the best of both and that means Im packing 2 sets of gear.


Any advice would be appreciated.



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The two sets of gear that I see as being useful for vanguard pvp are as follows:

1.Combat Eliminator's set - the 4 piece bonus which increases the critical chance of high impact bolt by 15% is very useful for a x/x/31 assault specialist dps build. This is the build I currently play, and it's burst damage is extremely high.

2.Combat Tech set - the 4 piece bonus which increases the critical strike chance of stockstrike by 15%. This set is useful for both shield spec or tactics because stockstrike is an important part of both builds. I don't see any advantage to using the supercommando sets because their severely gimp your damage without providing enough of a defensive improvement to justify the loss of offensive stats. Flat damage reduction from ion cell and skill trees will comprise most of your tankiness. As tactics you will have the Combat Tactics skill, which makes your high impact bolts a gauranteed crit. This effectively makes the combat eliminator set bonus useless.

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Don't go for supercommando in pvp, do what the above poster said.


In PvE, you will wonna go for the supercommando, focus on shield rating primarily, after that absorb & defence.

Do some EV normal or hardmodes to get the gear quickly (you can do hardmodes unlimited times now).

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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