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Tracer Missle debuff IS broken, HSM is NOT


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Reporting this as a stupid moderator doesn't realize this is NOT the same issue that was resolved about Heatseeker, although they are related. Now stop removing threads just because I'm pointing out you messed up without testing and READ it and RESPOND


I'm posting this again. I've already unsubbed.


I did some very very basic testing. Bought the 500k warzone training dummy.


I have no buffs.


First Tracer hit - 1340, second tracer hit - 1340, third tracer hit - 1340. (IT IS NOT GAINING THE BONUS OF ITS OWN ARMOR STACKING DEBUFF)


High Velocity Cylinder - Same situation. Seems to change the Tracer damage slightly. Still tracer is not gaining the armor debuff that is it providing.


You said everything was working. You were wrong. You didn't even test the basic ability of Mercenary Arsenals.


Oh and my Heatseeker missle just hit the Training dummy for 1450. Tooltip reads 1835-1972. I have 865 expertise, 400 bonus damage, 32.5% crit, 69% multiplayer, 1628 aim, completely UNBUFFED.


Why does my heatseeker hit for so little? Did you change the way the calculations work because I can't even fathom a way it could hit that low non-crit, even on a target mitigating 50% damage, which it shouldn't be.

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Test it on a player in a duel. The dummies have known inssues, and cannot block attacks. Maybe that means that debuffs currently do not apply to them, or they simple have no armor to be reduced. I do not know if that is the case, but if you still see the same numbers on players with different stacks of TM debuff, then it sounds like a bug.
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Test it on a player in a duel. The dummies have known inssues, and cannot block attacks. Maybe that means that debuffs currently do not apply to them, or they simple have no armor to be reduced. I do not know if that is the case, but if you still see the same numbers on players with different stacks of TM debuff, then it sounds like a bug.


The known issues as I understand it only have to do with abilities missing, not armor. In fact, the high velocity armor debuff of 35% works perfectly alone. Tracer however is tested and proven to not be working.


I also saw in another thread, that I can't find now someone had tested it in a duel with a friend and had similar results. I will validate this later this evening, but frankly I shouldn't have to. This should have been done by Bioware change control prior to going live.


It's clear it did not happen and the person in charge of change control should be fired.

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My tracer missiles are hitting level 50 ilum mobs for 1200-1300 non-crit and about 2200ish crits. These values dont change with 5 stack of heat signature. Didn't actually temp weapon ap debuff... HSM is only hitting 300 more and if ap and heat signatures would be fixed TM would hit almost same as our 15sec CD HSM.


I think devs should re-check both skills & debuff and adjust values a bit.

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The broke arsenal to FORCE us to use more skills but the skill tree is built around TM and HSM, nerf TM & HSM, broke TM...


Instead of ruining our main skill you could just buff others so merc's will use them in their rotation, you honestly think people don't spam TM now ? Dev's failed at this one pretty hard. revert out class back to pre 1.2 and slightly buff other skills so they will be used in a rotation

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This is not true. The dummies can evade/block attacks. Use Rapid Shots on a training dummy and examine your combat log. Plenty of misses.


Misses are just that, misses. Your offhand attack is below 100% and will miss even with 0 defensive capabilities. When an ability does not hit due to a player's defenses you will see deflect or dodge (there is also absorb, but that is due to shields), not miss.

Edited by McGarnagle
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tested myself a litte (used the trinked relic that deals 224 kinetic damage on hit)


without high velocity cylinder (35%) the number was179 constantly

179/224= 0.80 -> roughly 20% mitigation


if this mitigation was only due to armor (and not expertise bonus damage/ bonus damage reduction)

the estimated effect of 35% more damage reduction would be:


20% X 0.65 (35% armor penetration) -> 13%

-> therefore with high velocity activated one should deal 224 X 0.87 kinetic damage with each proc,

which would be 195


the testing results showed that the actualy number was pretty close beeing 193.

therefore the mitigation through armor on the pvp dummy should be around 20% and the gained dps through high velocity should be around 7%

Edited by Quantemoq
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Bump. I see a lot of people saying Merc is working as intended.


Clearly it is not. Hopefully you Devs can use a minimal amount of critical thinking to realize what is actually broken, because without a doubt, something is broken. Seems like its the Tracer debuff from my testing.

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