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Live or Die - part 1


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Its been nearly two weeks of silence, the quiet looms over the once beautiful grounds like mist in the early morning of winter days, vague and unassuming, you can see it stretch far ahead, wrapping sinersterly around your ankles and covering the fresh grass like a veil of forebodding doom. I walked towards a lonely Oak, a single warrior to mother nature, with his strong arms branched out towards the sky - forever reaching, forever praising the gods we cannot see...


...as i touched my hand to the trunk, i felt a stir, a stranger was near, but invisible, nowhere to hide, i braced myself for what might come, grass crunched ever so gently, giving way to heavy combat boots, demolishing all life beneath its force. My back tightened, my shoulders grew tense, and i could feel the small pulse in my neck throb in unison to my heart, like gongo drums beating around a fire, signaling a dance ritual between the two.


At this moment, i realised the stupidity of it all, in my haste to get word to the guild, i forgot all protocol, i was slacking, getting sloppy and it could cost me my life...

yes, i was prepared, armed, but i was weak, my mind had been playing tricks on me and i allowed it - the stranger drew closer, i could sense his strength and ...and, there was more..there was more than one??!! I need to run, i should not have come here, what if my communications were interrupted by imperial forces, it could be a whole army surrounding me...how many, how many men, i can feel the force of another, and even.... the familiar scent of.....whooosh! .......


.............suddenly the world turned into a fast-forward motion picture, i was facing the Oak, braving my self, steadying myself to turn on the potential enemy developing behind me...but before i could take my stance i was force-pulled backwards into my very fear that lead me here, a Jedi, the frikking Jedi and thier force talent! Brought down to my knees as i landed amongst a group of heavily armed men, i kept my eyes to the ground, assessing my demise.... there was a trooper, no doubt about it, the very combat boots i could see in my minds eye, a commando, his massive cannon was pointed threatening to blow my brains out should i move, and another Jedi, I knew the one that pulled me was behind me, i could see his shadow bearing darkly over my own.... do i stand up and face them?... do i attempt to take out one or two?... ..wait, that smell, its so familiar, but distant, its been weeks since i had that scent surround me, where is it from...think Stylar, think!, in a matter of seconds i could be toast, and im trying to remember the origin of a smell, but it fills me, and makes me feel safe - what the hell is it??!!! I bend down closer to the ground, the fierce crowd draws closer and i realise this is my chance... and maybe die on Ord Mantell....

...........with one fast move i spin around on my haunches to face the forceful Jedi, tripping him in that motion, i am still spinning and kick up dirt at the commando (at least if he fires, he might only take out an arm or leg)... the Jedi is lifting himself up and i lash out with my left foot, a solid kick to the solar plexus and he goes flying... spinning round to attack the trooper, instantly my hands have armed themselves with my rifle and its now inches away from the heart of this giant. The sounds of shuffle and chaos, confusion and threat echoed through the grounds, this once beautiful park..... a bird whistles ominously in the distance, and amongst this unlikely group of war heros, there was only panting, the heavy but trained breathing of experienced warriors... it was silent again...no one moved, each calculating the cost of any tactic they might take... as i looked into the helm of this fierce soldier, the glare of the sun masking any familiarity, something inside me stopped, the gongo drums that is my heart and pulse slowed down, the realisation hitting me harder than any punch to the face ever did, the relief of it all, the last few seconds playing over in my mind, buckling my knees... ... i was not wrong, i was not wrong....they found me.

Edited by leniroomie
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Brilliant thanks for the heads up on the new thread, i look forward to the next chapter of stylar. Btw what server do you play on? EU, Or AM? and what name etc. So great with words and i look forward to another chapter. Edited by Lawsie
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