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The significance of it all


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For all intents and purposes, my name is Stylar.

I am new to online blogging and am bound not only by my curiosity,

but by the very words that linger at my fingertips, itching to be expressed.

I have wondered over the idea of putting thoughts to paper, as it were,

and have done many times over, my thrill in portraying my own ideas or those of fantasy are never ending,

and have arrived here, this place of mystery, of anonymity, of pure personal indulgence,

where the essence of me can be encapsulated and perhaps appreciated from afar,

and sometimes by an inescapable soul sharing the core desire.


I fear my own strengths and weaknesses, they were once few and clear, when i was young,

but now with experience that ages us in mind as well as body, the clouds veiling my wisdom are darker,

it becomes harder each day to see the road that was so certain, ostensibly my own,

but now, no longer paved with the encouragement and security of family, though they are always there,

a factor we as humans cannot unhinge from, i have come to realise the unspoken rule......

that we must eventually dive the plank alone.


To reach the point of my own distraction, I would like to post my stories,

they are inconsequential, trivial to say the least, but like a child on a new bicycle,

the excitement to verbalize that which beats at my heart, has awakened my sleeping soul,

and given new life to otherwise fearful hands,

the inconspicuous riddle i myself have yet to solve.


Perhaps even, this was enough...?

Edited by leniroomie
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