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Regarding server queues


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The queues are unacceptable! I feel the response on staggering the launch of the servers is bollocks, Bioware you need to address this urgently. You'll launch new servers and people won't transfer unless you offer free service at least for the first 45-60 days or similar.


With DC'ing and not being put to front of queue and having to wait 1-2 hrs in re-queues, again bollocks Boiware fix it!

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Yah that statement doesn't give me much hope and confidence that if I drop my money on this game I will actually get to play it...


I tried to join earlier.. mid day on a saturday est time.. and my server had a 30 min wait.. thats not even a peak time. The time has only gone up as the day progressed as well.


Also again.. every server I can see while being queued has a full + waiting time on it.


Its one thing to be on a high pop server.. its another to be waiting an hour to play a game.


It is only going to get worse when more and more people get invited to join. Transfers need to start.. and soft caps (temporary player caps) need to happen.



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Lol, I have a solution. German servers are almost empty. I will start new char there and I will learn German. I am pretty sure it will be much easier and quicker way to have some fun. Besides that every day waiting in the queue for 3 h, gives me 3 h an day for German lessons :)
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So, over an hour ago, I call my wife when I leave work to log me in. An hour and 15 minutes later I get home, and I'm stll 256 in line with "Estimate Wait: < 55m 00s".....


As a GM, pulling people into this game from all the other MMO's I've lead guilds in for the last decade, I'm seeing nothing other than a bold faced lie from the OP....


The queues have done nothing other than get markedly worse as more people have been provided their early access. The FACTS do not in any way shape or form even HINT that



you promise? really?


Then riddle me this batman. Why do I have my guildies leaving to find random servers they can play on that don't have a TWO HOUR queue???


If your network engineers and software developers aren't competent enough, and don't have adequate forward thinking to have ALREADY established a mechanism to dynamically allocate resources on your server farm to compensate for the numbers of people that you ALREADY KNOW will be logging on, then you don't deserve a penny of my hard earned cash. You don't deserve a penny of any of my guildie's hard earned cash. Or my friends. Or even the rebel scum that I *had* intended to crush beneath my boot heel....


It's blatantly obvious that you failed to put adequate mechanisms in place to address the server loading you had ALL of the information to anticipate. Simple math.... Even after DAYS of PAYING CUSTOMERS SCREAMING about the login queues, nothing has been done to resolve, or even IMPROVE the situation. Leaving such a blatantly insulting lie posted as the quote above does nothing but add insult to injury.


Hopefully, there is NO question in your mind regarding exactly how I feel about whether Bioware deserves any of the extreme customer loyalty they have enjoyed from me since Baldur's Gate...


I'm about ready to put a block on my credit card and cancel my subscription. I WILL NOT pay to play a game that shuts the door in my face.....


Amen brother

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You know what you NEED to fix? When a computer freezes (like mine just did), and I reboot in less than 60 seconds, go to log in and am placed 385th in line. That's borderline ********. Give at least a 5 minute change for the person to reconnect. This is effin stupid.
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What you´re really saying is that even if you knew the amount of people who bought the preorder you didnt/couldnt really calculate/balance it out anyway?


This sucks bad, i wouldnt have bought the preorder if i couldnt use it at least 95% at the time. Now i have to login 3 hours before i want to play, and if i´m afk for more than 3 min. im logged off, GG.


I´m not frustrated at all..........

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What confuses me is the fact that I wait 30min-1hour to log in and then once I get in game, there's not that many people around. Even in the fleet zone, where you would expect a lot of people hanging around, is not crowded at all.


Maybe server population caps are set low during early access? This has to change. I love this game so far but I can't plan my life around the wait time.

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One solution is fairly straight forward and simple. Instead of bringing up 1-2 servers here and there, bring up 10+ servers at once. Also, when the new servers come online, a priority based normalization scheme needs to be run across all servers to balance the load.


For example, newest accounts on a server, that are not associated with a pre-launch guild, are moved (and all of their corresponding characters) to the newer servers. Next, any accounts and their related guilds that were not part of the guild pre-launch import program get moved along with all of their associated characters per account. If it gets to the point where older guilds that were part of the pre-launch guild program need to be moved, all the members of those guilds along with all of their characters for each corresponding account could be moved as a whole. IMO the guilds that were imported with the pre-launch program should have highest priority to be left in place since they were placed there by BW originally.


Personally I could give a care about what server I am on as long as it's not open world PVP. I would be perfectly happy with my guild, as a whole, and all characters associated with each corresponding account on that server, be moved to a new, fresh, unused server.


What this means is simple. Each time a new batch of servers comes online, the population of the existing servers would be normalized and spread across all of the servers, including the new ones. Each new server added means more population room, which in turn means shorter queues and more play time. I'm fine with short queues (15 mins or less) but I have to agree with the general population when they say any longer and it is just not worth it.

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I have been in the queue literally all day. I logged on in the morning, facing a massive queue. By the time i got on the server it was right after midday, and i had to go out. When i got back i was in the queue for several hours again. When the queue was about 200-300 it lost connection and got thrown back to the end of the queue. Its now passed midnight and the queue is at 144 atm. Ill probably go to bed in a while.


Lovely gaming experience ive had so far :)


Oh wait ...



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I am not enjoying that I had to pay for this early access. Especially when you planned that I cannot play. So having fun - not so much :p.


You did not "pay" for early access. You simply pre-ordered the game and by doing so, were given the chance to access the game a few days before launch. You paid the same as everyone else so have no more rights than any other player. In fact, EA/Origin/Bioware has even added a 2 day grace period to accomodate those who have early access but have to wait for their retail boxes to get their keys. This is a good thing and a solid move IMO.


There are queues on only the busiest servers. Granted, I think EA/Origin/Bioware did park some of the bigger guilds on certain servers (which forces some players to have to use those servers to be with their guildmates), but such is the nature of multiple server games. Some are more busy than others.


It's like going to a club in New York, Paris or Toronto. There are some with lines and others without lines. If you choose to go to a club where you know there will be lines, then you can't complain about being in a line waiting to go into that club.


FYI, believe it or not, there were queue for, wait for it... Star Trek Online. Yes, even that game, at launch, had queues for the first month for those who were not Lifetime members. Granted, it was a single, instanced, server, but still, it had queues and guess what, people complained about it and eventually, the queues went away.


This is a "no win" situation.


MMOs that want to keep servers populated, can't risk over commiting servers, because, after the first wave of players, populations die off as people don't continue in the game.


Overcommiting the number of servers forces server-merges too quickly, which, in turn brings in a whole other world of QQ on the forums about whose server is getting merged with whatever.


Look at Age of Conan and Warhammer Online. Both had very very big numbers at launch, with far too many servers. Eventually, as initial players did not sub / re-sub, they got stuck in the server-merger loop which, considering the dismal state of the games beyond a certain level, led also to a sense that the games were doomed, dying and dead.


STO, well... STO was just broken from day but that's another thread for another forum.


Obviously, there won't be the same fall off for SWTOR because, despite issues that are coming up, there are far less bugs and glitches than other games, the servers are, for the most part behaving and let's face it, the IP has a far stronger base and an already loyal following.


If your worse problem is that more people want into your game than you can accomodate initially...


... then that's a good problem to have.



My_2_cents_Canuck :)


ps - although I have my chars on a popular server as well, I have yet to be in a queue and the server load on my home server has not surpassed Very Heavy, so... me and my friends have not been suffereing through the same issues as some others.

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Firstly, like many others, our guild was assigned to a server.


It has taken me 1 run of the Lion King and 2 episodes of House to log onto this server. As this is a Saturday night at least I am spared at least 2 hours of soaps and even more fortunately X Factor finished last week so at least I wasn't forced to endure karaoke.


On a normal week night lack of gaming leads to soaps, soaps lead to depression, depression leads to anger, anger leads to the dark side, the dark side leads to cancelled subscriptions.


The problems seem to be either that the servers are overpopulated or that the login servers can't cope with the volume. These problems need to be solved.


Honestly if 2 hour+ waits are going to be the norm this will represent 50% of my normal evening gaming time. Up to 15 minutes is as much as I will tolerate when I am paying to play, anything over that is unreasonable.

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Add another 100 servers now and deal with the consequences later. I usually don't get on these forums to complain but I started a char on a server and now of course it is full all the time. I am not one to sit and wait in a que, like others I have a limited window of playing time.


It is not even the 20th yet what is going to happen when all the 2 million other people that want to play this game start trying to log on at launch?


I played through the beta and grew very tired of leveling up characters during that. I was hoping that now I could concentrate on getting one character to level 50 and go from there.

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What confuses me is the fact that I wait 30min-1hour to log in and then once I get in game, there's not that many people around. Even in the fleet zone, where you would expect a lot of people hanging around, is not crowded at all.


Maybe server population caps are set low during early access? This has to change. I love this game so far but I can't plan my life around the wait time.


Yeah thats the part of this whole thing I find the strangest. I imagine after a long queue and finally logging in, I would see a ton of people running around and plenty of sharding, but last couple nights after a queue, I login and Taris has less than 100 people and no shards. Coruscant and Tython have 2 shards each.


The server caps must be set really low.

Edited by Claymaniac
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Had the entire weekend to play, but due to server maintenace of my provider my internet is unstable. Got disconnected several times, in total I have spent more time in que's then playing. It takes about two and a half hours every time to get on Red Eclipse server and me and my Guild have no choice but to sit and accept it.


You located me and my guild on this server. If you already knew how many people were going on that server simply by looking at the guild sizes don't let anymore people in.Do something about it Bioware, what the **** are you thinking?! This is only early access, how will it be when the game comes out?!

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