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Regarding server queues


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That's the sound of Bioware/Ea dropping the ball. when a good game turns bad!



From a lot of posts already on this thread. It looks like the player base is beginning to drop considerably. BW get your act together and soon. You have not even hit the release date and you have queues in some case purporting to be 3hrs plus. NOT exactly good advertisement is it?


BW YOU must act, and soon. If not today, NOW, this minute. Because anything less, will make ppl go else where or back to other mmo's. Which means they are not playing SWTOR and they will think twice about coming back. If ppl start to see dramatic results about queue times, then maybe you can resolve this before its gets too far out of hand.


How long is going to take before you act. When SWTOR is dead and you have lost $/£m's in money potential revenue. Blizzard will be laughing watching as ppl will consider going back to their mmo. which would you rather have? People playing wow or playing SWTOR?

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Well, since I'm still (after 3 hours) still with 200pll ahead me, I suppose I can come here and complain, I suppose it's part of the "fun experience" that is suppose to be a MMORPG?

Well, I only can to play 2 hours every day due to work constrictions, I expect my pre-order money to be returned.

If this continue after a pair of weeks, I suppose the wait will decrease due to the flee of players, is this the intention?:confused:


I think you have more chance of seeing Satan ice skating to work.

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Do you have any idea how SMALL of a wait that is?


We are averaging 2-4 hours on The tomb of Feedon Nadd. At this rate I may get to play around 2am. 4 hours from now for me.


Remember to double the est time and add half an hour.

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i hope they fix this, else i think people only play in the early acces state, and get a refund for their game :)




This is quickly becoming my opinion. I might wait to see what happens in 6 months if it is still around. I know this is early access, but what will happen when the game is live and I still have to wait? This gets fixed in prelaunch or I will opt out of launch.

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There's a box for mice. The Box can hold about 2000 mice. Then this mad scientist comes and stuffs 6000 mice there. 2000 mice are in, the rest 4000 mice stand in line waiting to get into the box. Why? Because they have delicious cookies inside the box.


This explanation is very technical, but it tells me what I need to know. Basically some .... tries max cap of each server and overloads them with 100 times more users than this cap is. Wonderful. Someone should loose his/her job :D. Congratulation EA/BW :)

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Hello, I would like to suggest some sort of 'Queue' Insurance for players like myself with a bad router, or with some other issues non game related.

Where in my situation, I get disconnected randomly because of a bad router, and when I login 1 min later, I'm all the way back in the queue again. This is very frusterating for me, and it ruins the game experience. :(



I suggest that we get a short time window of 4-5 minutes where you can login without queueing.

Thank you.

Edited by Myrthil
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our guild was assigned to that stupid *** "the fatman" server, and idk if a lot of guilds were assigned to it or ppl want to play on it just because the name is somehow amusing to them, but the ques are rediculous when 4/5 times i try and log on its the only one with a freakin que and theres tons with light/standard traffic....LOVE THE GAME THOUGH GREAT JOB BIOWARE! u saved me from azeroth! Edited by CJibsy
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After waiting in a que for 3hours 30 min, i played for like an hour then the game got an erro now im back in que with 768 in front :mad::mad:



only thing that made me laugh was someones post who sad

I quote



and why the hell should i pay (once its released) to wait in a que? i can go to the shops and wait in a que for free....


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Can someone explain in technical way, why do we have to wait in the queue?


Likely how it works is this(I only know from working at an IT company that handles some fairly large websites):


Once you click on a server, the server needs to look up your list of characters, which it likely does by looking up your account, making sure it is authorized(it has a valid account with the right access for the server) then it has to look up and display your characters from a database.


That process(depending on how optimized the code is an how big the database is) can take from between millisecond to 5-10 seconds. So when asked to log in by 600 people almost at the same time...You get a 50 minute wait. But an optimized database shouldn't take 5 seconds to run a query.


Also, it's possible that once you get that authentication done, the servers are enforcing a limit of some sort to prevent the server from running poorly. If that's the case, then the authentication might be taking way less time and instead, it is just doing the authentication quickly and then asking the server "Is it ok to log in now?" and the server is saying "Nope, already 20,000 people in this server...wait until one logs out".

Edited by Zamrod
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glad I came here. now I have something to read while I wait 30 mins to log on. Please let us transfer our guild to a new server. this is a load of hot bull, having to wait anything more than 5 mins is to long. 5 mins is the max anyone should every have to wait. you guys really dropped the ball hard on server size
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Ok a quick one from me....



On the one hand - SWTOR is not my job, it is not my life - I won't spend months patiently waiting for you guys to get things right. A video game is for fun, and (for me) it is for de-stressing. Several hours waiting just to get on the server is not fun, and it actually adds to my stress :mad: - so if things continue like this I won't be a paying customer for long.


On the other hand - this is a new game, and I fully expect there to be teething problems. I've enjoyed what I've seen so far and if you can sort out the wait issues I'd be quite prepared to give this game a month or two to see if I'm going to stay with it long term.



Sort the wait time out guys please because I'd be gutted to have to say goodbye to a game I've looked forward to for so long!

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I'm kinda in two minds about all this. On the one hand I totally realise that its a new game, just opening up and stuff so there is bound to be problems, of course. I also realise that other popular MMOs have experienced queue systems in the past on their launch and stuff, perhaps not all servers, but its at least been a problem on some.


However, its not like Bioware hasn't had enough time to anticipate the popularity of the game what with pre-orders and testing and although the pre-guild-creation system was a cool idea its caused many of us to be forced onto servers that are chocker block, I'm not sure how they decided to distribute guilds, but it doesn't feel like they did it evenly. Adding servers isn't going to help those of us already on servers that are full, those servers need to be expanded or allow people to move servers for free (or their whole guild, seeing as that was the whole point of the pre-guild-creation system, so we could play with our buddies from the off).


Moreover, I and many people seem to be experiencing disconnections a short time into playing, which means they have to queue all over again, 30 minutes or more, for say, five minutes game time, a grace period on this would also be awesome.


I totally get the arguments that we're paying for this game and we should be able to play when we please, we are not paying to wait, but like I said, new game, bound to be teething problems. The main issue for me is whether this problem is fixed and how soon, I'm aware its not going to magically happen over night, but with launch coming nearer and nearer, more people will be playing, and then there's Christmas and many people will get it as a gift, are they really prepared for those waves of people to come?


I can accept my personal waiting times (around 30 minutes, I consider myself very lucky, I really feel quite outraged for people waiting 6 hours plus, I don't think that's acceptable even for a fresh new game) for now, but if it doesn't significantly improve in the coming weeks and by the time my 30 days runs out I probably won't subscribe, and the game would have rubbed too much of a sore point with me.


I hope things get better soon, I am expecting things to then get worse again on launch and after Christmas, but if they remain at this level, buh bye. Which would be a real shame because I don't want to leave, the game is brilliant, I'm just not paying to wait in a queue. :)

Edited by SpaceSheep
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