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Commando healing?


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Hey everyone.


Just started a trooper tonight and was wondering how good healing wise are they. I have heard mixed reviews and was just wondering if they any good and if so what crew skills should I pick up. I already have armourtech with smuggler

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Honestly, as a healer you'll be able to keep one person up almost indefinatly if A. Your playing your class right and B. The Tank is doing a good job. Make one wrong move as a CM and your hooped and people start dying. The combat medic is a single target healer. Don't expect to do any crazy AoE healing. (*looks at sages...*) In an Op or flashpoint, you'll have a fairly easy job keeping up the tank, assuming he is doing it right.


See, you absolultly have to stay in the fast ammo regen area to keep the heals going. Ammo managment is key. If you keep there, you'll be able to keep throwing out the med/adv med probes. If you don't, you'll be able to heal for about 30 seconds than hammer shot healing will be your only option for awhile.


Another plus is your survivability. When I play pvp, I tend to be a bugger to kill. With all the abilities given to the commando's you should be able to keep your self on your feet while you try get out of combat. See the Commando in general can't really take much damage, but you have a few tricks to get out of it. This makes you a decent pvp healer.


But you should know, since 1.2 healing as a CM is very hard and not much fun or rewarding. You'll have a hard time getting top healing in pvp, despite all the work you do keeping people alive.


In short:



-Strong Single Target Healer

-Decent amount of abillities to increase your survivabilty



-Weak AoE Heals

-High need for ammo management.

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Currently in PVE they are the bottom rung healer. Meaning they can do the job but as the fights get tougher they fall further and further down the curve.


PVP they are bottom rung healer. 12 seconds of glory then respawn. So not a good PVP spec anylonger.

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Even if one does it all right, post 1.2 the commando is a lousy healer now.

As dps...lots of firepower....however as combat medic...hopeless.

Yes I know I wrote this twice. Maybe the Devs get eventually the message into their

thick heads. So a third time.


Post 1.2 the Combat medic is almost useless!!

Change it please!

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I wouldn't say Combat Medics are useless in 1.2, just much much harder. I shelved my Combat Medic and rerolled a Vanguard (which I love). But just yesterday, I decided to give my medic a go, which I haven't touched since the patch. I played 4 games and averaged about 350-400k healing.


This is a pic of the best WZ I had, which happens to be Alderaan, even though we lost. Also, I am geared in half BM half Champion gear. I PUG'd all wz's.



This is the spec I'm using.



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I agree with everything Torch said except that I think CM is still fun to play. I don't really PvP too much, but even when I do I'm usually at or near the top in healing. PvE is fantastic for CM, though. With a good tank, you can easily keep a group alive and there's no need for downtime like there would be with a Sage (after awhile). Ammo management can be tough in a group setting (if the tank isn't too great or you get a lot of adds), but once you get the hang of it it's pretty fun.
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I think PVP healing is a blast after 1.2. We can't just stand and turret heal while tanking 3 DPS. You have to be mobile, manage your ammo, and choose your heal targets more carefully. My healing output probably went down a little after 1.2, but I've always been more of a utility healer anyway. I CC and pressure their healers, drop DPS when I can, and watch the objectives far closer than other healers do; and I, typically, still manage to stay in the top 2 healers in the WZ.


Are we as strong as pre 1.2? No. Is it as bad as these forums would have you believe? Absolutely not.

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