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ship access [suggestion-possibly!]


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me and my partner play tor together and are fairly new, so still discovering stuff....

anyways, we both tried to get in each others ships and werent able to, except last night, somehow, i got in mine, she got in hers, and i ended up on hers....she was there, all her crew etc and the phase said her name.

im sure it was some kind of bug, because like i said we tried before and couldnt.


so the (possible) suggestion is make it possible

(disclaimer: if it already is and im a complete noob, then tell me how to do it exactly!)



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To get onto someone else's ship be in the same party as them and then enter their hangar after they do (same way you get in their story areas.) When they board you'll be taken along for the ride. Not sure if this is possible as the same class as you'd have the same hangar.


I'll note that if you fly to a special story area (ship, space station or whatever) that pop up during your story you can both get there on the same ship but, when you go to leave the door back just takes you to your own ship.

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