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Call Me Crazy


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Call me crazy, but i enjoy playing my commando. Don't get me wrong, we're nerfed- plain and simple. But I'm not gonna complain about that.

I'm trying to roll with the punches and stay viable in ops, that being said, should i stay gunnery or try and roll assault spec for a higher dps output?

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Call me crazy, but i enjoy playing my commando. Don't get me wrong, we're nerfed- plain and simple. But I'm not gonna complain about that.

I'm trying to roll with the punches and stay viable in ops, that being said, should i stay gunnery or try and roll assault spec for a higher dps output?


I wondered that too and did a quick test, respecced to assault to see what I could do on the training dummy. Gunnery was still doing a decent amount better (about 1200dps vs about 1100). I probably had some more room to improve the assault spec rotation but it didn't really feel very fluid to me (never played assault before).


Gunnery is still the better PVE spec, but not nearly to the point that it use to be. Than again commandos are nothing like what they use to be as a whole.

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