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Remember those survey's we got in Beta, BW?


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I sure wish you'd roll those out again.....or give me a do-over. My responses to the questions would be VERY different now that I've gotten a much more realistic sample size....and now that all but one of my RL friends has quit in disgust or frustration. I got 1 RL friend left in the game BW. That means I'm one friend away from un-subbing.

Early on, I was too enamored with swtor FINALLY being on my computer. :o

I enjoy your PvE quite alot. But not enough to run through the content 16 times. This is where PvP "usually" kicks in for me and keeps me plenty content for large amounts of time. SWTOR PvP is so jacked up (and has been for so long) that I'm simply not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. In fact the tunnel is starting to look like it's a dead end? Why can't you stop making such awful decisions with your nerfs/buffs/rewards?

This is easily the most consistently pissed off community I've been a part of in a while now. Also among the most troll filled environment I've stuck around for more than a few weeks.

As a side note:

No one can have my stuff......yet. But it may be worth your time to hang out, close by, just in case.


EDIT: Expertise has a lot to do with how poorly your balance efforts have turned out. Try base lining it. When you walk into pvp, each piece of pvp gear you have gets you X expertise. Done.

Classes don't "magically" change from level 49 to level 50. Only the experise/gear does.....:rolleyes:

How thick can ya get...

Edited by WickedImage
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