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Dev Request: Combine Stabilizers & Muzzle Fluting - Merc Pyro PvP


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"Stabilizers" & "Muzzle Fluting" should be combined in order to better level Merc Pyros for PvP. That or add Stabilizers into the pyro tree and add it to another ability and make Stabilizers a 1/1 or 2/2. Reason being that EVERY other caster class has easy access to 75% reduced pushback talents.



3/3 Reduce pushback from Power shot, tracer missile, concussion missile, unload by 75%

Muzzle Fluting:

1/1 Reduce Activation Time on Tracer Missile & Power Shot by 0.5 sec


The current ideal PvP Merc Pyro Spec:


In this spec, you cannot pick up reduced pushback for 3 talent points without gimping yourself.



After your regular pvp opener rotation (TD,IM,RS,UL,RS) You normally have to cast about 2-3 power shots back to back before another railshot procs or other abilities are off cooldown. If you are being attacked, your powershot is now pushed back to the point where you feel like your casting 3 powershots instead of one and that gives the opponent like 4-5 seconds to interrupt it. This ability to reduce pushback from a major pyro ability should be a given and added into the pyro tree somewhere. Likewise, this will give pyro mercs 1 more talent point to put into "Energy Rebounder" 1/2 for a smaller cooldown on energy shield. We will have 1 more talent point by combining a 3/3 with a 1/1, and making this a 3 talent point requirement so you have 1 left over for something else. Or...just add stabilizers to a pyro ability for a 2/2 since its needed for power shot to not be pushed back while your being attacked.



IM = Incendiary Missile

RS = Rail Shot

TD = Thermal Detonator

UL = Unload

PS = Power Shot


Side Suggestion: You don't need to re-design an interrupt for a Mercenary, you can just add an interrupt effect to the knockbacks if the target is casting even if they have full resolve or are boss-immune to knock backs. The 2 Merc Knockbacks are rocket punch and jet boost, both require you to be in melee range and both have a long cooldown. Given Mercs are a ranged class, making us move in closer to interrupt would be fine.


Post your thoughts below.




Edited by DkSharktooth
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I have stated this many times along with the fact systems calibrations and improved vents should be swapped. It makes too much sense I guess.


You do not need improved vent's at all. It is useless if you play your strict rotation and use Thermal Sensor Override at the appropriate heat levels with the unload ability. System Calibrations is a 0.1 second cast time reduction on power shot and unload which is a slight dps increase. You vent heat with railshot on a burning target as a pyro merc, which happens about every 6 seconds. 9/10 times my heat levels are fine, the only time they are not is if I make a mistake or am the only dps on an 8 man team.


Also, if you have 1 extra talent point as stated in my reasoning above, you will be able to put it into improved vents if you feel that you need it.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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You do not need improved vent's at all. It is useless if you play your strict rotation and use Thermal Sensor Override at the appropriate heat levels with the unload ability. System Calibrations is a 0.1 second cast time reduction on power shot and unload which is a slight dps increase. You vent heat with railshot on a burning target as a pyro merc, which happens about every 6 seconds. 9/10 times my heat levels are fine, the only time they are not is if I make a mistake or am the only dps on an 8 man team.


Also, if you have 1 extra talent point as stated in my reasoning above, you will be able to put it into improved vents if you feel that you need it.


Yes yes and Yes improve vent is pointless, i never overheat at least i am the only DPS in town. Just to make this statement stronger, if you use your rotation and dont mess it up often you should never overheat

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