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Commando - Ranged Combat


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It'd be nice if Field Aid was off the global cooldown. Just sayin'.


Otherwise, Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides is pretty amazing for Vanguards/Powertechs. It'd be nice if we had something similiar to that to help give us more space for Gunnery or for kiting purposes for Assault.


Grav Round would be nice if it reduced movement speed by 30% for 1 second. Or by 50%.


I just think what the class needs is the ability to keep classes at bay a bit more.


Anywho - thoughts?

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Or, a possiblity, if Grav Round would root - stop the target on impact. Only for the impact though. I think it would make a difference when you have a melee walking up to you to inflict some damage. Considering it creates a gravity vortex on the taret that crushes armor. Seems like it'd make sense to have it stop the target on impact.
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There are two different abilities on the trees that can give a snare, so if you want to play a kiter, you can already spec for it. Expecting BW to add a snare to Grav Round is akin to hoping my car poops out a biscuits and gravy breakfast for me when I leave work tomorrow morning.
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There are two different abilities on the trees that can give a snare, so if you want to play a kiter, you can already spec for it. Expecting BW to add a snare to Grav Round is akin to hoping my car poops out a biscuits and gravy breakfast for me when I leave work tomorrow morning.


Well, nice thing is, you can mod your car to do just that.

To the matter at hand.


Everything I read about Commandos is regarding there damage and survivability. Ex: My damage is nerfed, I unsubscribe. My defense is weak, I unsubscribe.


I'm not looking for increased damage but would rather find a solution how to keep the target at a distance more. This is obviously regarding melee classes as keeping another ranged class at a distance wouldn’t make sense regarding this post.


Plasma Cell’s 16% chance to have a 100% chance to reduce the movement speed of the target by 50% for 2 seconds is nice. However, when you cast other abilities you really aren’t using PC which gives the target more time to get to you.


Stockstrike knock back is nice in Gunnery. Along with the extra Concussion Charge. That’s what? 9 seconds and 30 seconds (25 down to 20) depending on skill set and gear choices.



Compare this to:




Leg Shot (15s), Cover Pulse (30s), Flash bang (60s).


Then depending how you spec.


Debilitate (30s) 30% movement speed increase.

Interrogation Probe (18s) 30% reduced movement speed.

Ambush (15s) - When ambush strikes a target within 10 metes, the target is knocked back several meters.


Entrench (60s) - Become immune to all controlling effects. Last 20 seconds.


Snipers/Gunslingers can do a great job keeping the target at bay and getting away to continue the ranged fight.



I’m too lazy to go into sages at the moment. All I’m suggesting, is that it’d be nice if a Commando actually felt more like a ranged class when confronted with a 1v1 scenario vs. a melee class.


The Vanguard/Powertech class is incredibly fun. That class has the utility to melee and kite. Hold the Line/Hydraulic overrides is just insane. Then you combine that with High Energy Gas Cylinder for 15% increased movement speed. Along with the Retractable Blade 30% reduce speed.



Do I expect Bioware to make a Commando feel like a ranged class in a 1v1 against melee. Well, yes. Just because we have ranged abilities doesn't mean we have the required utility to stay ranged.


I don't feel that what I pointed out to help the class are necessarily bad ideas. This is just a class that should feel more ranged.

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