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What i would like to see in SWTOR


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These are some of the things i would like to suggest for swtor!





Give Mercanies/ commando's more utility, as it stands a merc healer can take alot of damage but games such as Huttball, there is little they can do. Sorcerers, can pull, have force speed, operatives are able to hide in stealth and become a good passing opportunity, a merc healer can not do any expect pop energy shield and heal through some damage.


Change the heat management on the Merc/commando's, the heat management is really punishing at the moment, before the patch it was to efficient but now its to harsh, giving rapid shots, a chance to reduce heat by like 2 on critical but give that skill a cd would be helpful and also encourage more rapid shot weaving into the rotation.


Allow rapid shots to be used on the merc itself, such like the diagnostic scan of the operative. While rapid shots can be used while moving it heals for little and could have some potienial issues, but this could be combated by having rapid shots used on the self heal for less.


Make the cylinders on the merc/commando not visible or non-existant. I want this change because in organised pvp groups, it is very easy to tell who are the merc healers simply due to the cylinder they use. Being recognised as being a healer instantly by the opposing group allows those merc healers to be locked down and marked almost asap.


Change the way a operative healer plays. The good operative healers in pvp are incredibly mobile, on my operative i am able to get between 600,800k healing per wz now and i rarely stay still, using the surgical probes works like a charm. I see this as being abit unfair to other healers, as operatives clearly have a big advantage over the other 2.





remove the static sound!!!! This sound is very frustrating and should be removed, i do not know if its a glitch or what but its an absolutely horrific sound.


Bring in a wardrobe function, allowing us to able to save gear sets and quickly change between both. I pve and pvp and its just a tad annoying to have to switch between both sets, wardrobe feature would be usful.


Rated warzones. I don't understand the point behind rated besides getting a different colour gear set. This isn't a big enough incentive to do rated warzones, being someone who doesn't like to shove my accomplishments in someones face, the current point behind rwz's is not that useful. A better idea would be to have the rated war hero gear to have additional augment slots or something that has a purpose besides cosmetic.


Change the way in which Augment slots can be put onto gear. Augment slots atm can be put into crit crafted gear. But it is odd that to have the best gear i have to destroy an item i just received. I don't like the idea of having to destory items to get a better version, imo a better idea would be to put the augment slot on the items, instead of having to destory them. i know the idea was to allow people to wear whatever they want and to not be gimped, but some of the best looking orange items can not have their schematics learnt. e.g. the armor from corellia commendations.


Decrease the loading screen times, i dont know why they are so long but i have on more than one occasion been kicked from a warzone due to the loading screens lasting a ridiculous amount of time. In addition after leaving a wz and your loading into a place such as belsavis, this also takes a long time.


Give us the ability to skip all quest cinematics! Listening to all the cinematics is nice but after doing it once you dont want to do them again. I think a system could be implemented where you can choose to skip all those these cinematics and just choose which aligment you want if the quest gives you alignment points. Ofc this should not include the story quests but the normal go scan for tratior quests etc, the cinematic just wastes time.



allow us to have some sort of open world pvp. Some of my best experiences in WOW were raiding stormwind and camping the kings dead corpse, in swtor this isnt possible, only outlaws den which tbh not many people go to because people just don't know about the place. the open world pvp side in swtor is lacking severely and i worry when a game such as gw2 comes out and people get a taste of their pvp, this could make this game suffer.


Make Huttball not so dependent on the classes you have. Since 1.2 where the marauders got their much unneeded buff, there has been a vast increase in them and frankly, it ruins huttball. their leap is able to imobilise you and with the changes to fire its just hell. I see this change as a way of encouraging more passing game play but this isnt the case.

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Clearly you have no idea about what the 3 healing classes are all about so let me give you a lesson:


Sages/Sorcs are the AoE healers. They are able to hit multiple targets for medium healing better than anyone else.


Mercs/Comms are the Single Target healers. They have multiple abilities that focus on healing the hell out of one target (i.e. The main tank).


Scoundrels/Ops are the Mobile/HoT healers. They have multiple abilities that lend them able to be on the move from multiple boss attacks and still heal using Heals over Time.


Now that you know the roles each healer plays, focus on how they can use their roles in a PvP setting.

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