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Where's the Merc Arsenal hotfix


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You hotfixed the broken dps in 1 day.


Now, as reported over and over and over again, which you keep moving to the merc forums, HSM is now broken.


How do I define broken? It now does less damage than the minim damage on the tooltip with 5 stacks of tracer, 5 stacks of HSM.


You say you fixed some bug, I say whatever you did to change the calculation is fundamentally flawed. My power shot hits for more than HSM now. I have 860 resil, 1825 stimmed, buffed aim in pvp with 7 augmented pieces of pvp gear. I am as close to maximum stats as you can get mathematically with maybe a 2-3% increase by changing out orange belts and one augmented columni implant.


Hitting below the minimum should be impossible with my stats and the relative buffs that should be going on.


I don't see any reason to continue playing this game when you literally can't even accurately test your own content. The worst part is you posted an incorrect statement without any numbers saying its working, when the very people in the thread have parsers showing the dps change on dummies from pre 1.2.0c to after.


So I'm unsubbing today. You finally went ahead and alienated me so far that I can no longer enjoy this game.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss this issue and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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