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Epic Guide to SWTOR Jubilation!


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I know, I know... You are jaded, you are a bit frustrated. You love star wars maybe, you rode the hype Train for years waiting on the game. You saw the trailer and went HOLYCOW*FULLYVOICEDQUEST! Then you got the game, zerged your way to 50, looked around and kicked your cat. Bah! where is the Endgame. Bah! where's my wow in space. Bah! space combat is lame. Bah! Where's LFG. Bah! I'm bored.....


Take a deep breath. I got you covered, I have mastered the Art of enjoying Star Wars The Old Republic. If you follow my guidelines I can gaurantee epic success in your quest for SWTOR bliss. Read on and profit.


STEP 1: Reroll, yeah I know it's not your thing, you love your main, you have worked so hard gearing up. But this is your first step to jubilation. Throw conventional wisdom out the window, throw age old MMO ideals aside and REROLL. Trust me it will not be easy, but it's what must be done.


STEP 2: LISTEN! Oh you wanna use that space bar so bad I know. BUT DON'T, listen to every quest. Watch every cutscene. Even those silly kill side quest, you just sit there and Listen.


STEP 3 : Talk to yourself. This is crucial. When you walk onto a new planet be verbal, "oh how stunning this place is"! When Corso makes a joke, Laugh out loud. Point at the screen and say " Oh Corso you are so funny". When Mako tells you she misses home, try crying. When that full premade rofl rolls you in pvp say out loud "Oh you silly sith you better gang up on me". Chuckle often as well. If family members ask you *** you are doing, just yell "IM ENJOYING SWTOR"


STEP 4: LOG OFF! I cannot stress this enough, log off. No more long play times, no more marathon sessions. You have to be that ubber super casual guy you hate so much. Trying to consume too much SWTOR at once can lead to relapse, yes we don't wanna be bored again. So not only do you log off, you log off for DAYS. I know, you wanna get pasty pale and play an mmo like its 1999 again, BUT IT AIN'T. So log off and go tan. Okay no, don't go tan, but find another hobby.


STEP 5: Tell yourself 1.3 is coming. Constantly thru out the day , just remind yourself of how awesome 1.3 is going to be. If 1.2 was Jesus then 1.3 is God himself. Say things like "1.3 will be so totally rad, I must press on". You can do it, you waited for 1.2 with great expectation, you can wait some more.



This is a quick tip, to get you started on your path to SWTOR ecstasy. If some of my other enlightened SWTOR brethren would like to add to this LEET GUIDE OF LEETNESS, feel free to share your epic antibordem tricks & tips.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I did the first step, reroll. when i get tired with one of my toons i used another one.. i have two lvl 50 (scoundrel and shadow) and one 30 (guardian), so yes, i still enjoy the game... and when we have the chance to transfer i enjoy it more with my 50's.. good thread. Edited by AKIHA
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You forgot the mention the events. Do the Rakghoul events and such. Try to get those vanity pets. Might not be as intense as PVPing, but you get to do stuff that most people dont.


And let's not forget Datacron runs. Exploring a planet more fully than you did before, AND getting a stat bonus? That's not bad at all.

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You forgot the mention the events. Do the Rakghoul events and such. Try to get those vanity pets. Might not be as intense as PVPing, but you get to do stuff that most people dont.


And let's not forget Datacron runs. Exploring a planet more fully than you did before, AND getting a stat bonus? That's not bad at all.


I might revise at a later time, but these are a pros pro tips guaranteed to heighten enjoyment of SWTOR. 100% testeted and approved by the leetest of Leets.

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Very funny. +1, thumbs up and all that. Probably the most accurate portrayal of what we all are feeling. I shall now chuckle every time Vette hopes she has all her parts.



Yes chuckle loud & chuckle often.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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+50 xp


You forgot the joy of hours of watching companion mission timers to max a crafting skill! My personal tip: stagger your crew's gathering missions so their timers go off in 15 minute increments and time your soloing of a heroic 7 levels below you to the arrival of free loot!

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