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Gunnery commando questions


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I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the rotation for a gunnery commando is? When im questing its easy to just nuke down strongs and elites but it uses most of my ammo, and that'd be kinda bad for raiding.


Also what'd be the best companion for a gunnery commando? I've been using arec the whole time, and sure things die fast, and i still havent died (though its come close a few times), i was wondering whether perhaps elara or vik would be better?


(level 43 btw)

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I'm working on a Commando now that I'm done with my Vanguard, and tank companions are money when you're DPS. I'd go with Tanno Vik, just let him run in and unleash his abilities while you nuke whatever you choose. After the fight you can dismiss and resummon him to get him back to full health. I'm using M1-4X with my Commando, actually, but Vik totally earned his paycheck with my Vanguard.
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i used elara, but if you're not dying, just stick with aric. he does quite a lot of dps if you keep him geared pretty well



as for gunnery rotation, i use:


grav round x3 > demo round > grav round x2 > HIB

full auto whenever curtain of fire activates


after this point, i'm on basically a priority system: hammer shot if my ammo is below 7, full auto whenever curtain of fire is up, demo round whenever it's off cooldown, HIB whenever i have 5 stacks of charged barrel, and grav round any other time




i also hit reserve powercell + tech override + plasma grenade every minute or so when it's up along with my power relic and try to time it along with demo round + HIB (but i can't recall when you get reserve powercell and i know you don't have tech override yet. this is also for really long fights which you probably won't run into still leveling.)

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If you're running out of ammo you're not playing the trooper right, and need to manage your ammo better.


If you get below 8 ammo(7 is when your recharge rate goes from .6/sec to .36/sec), then you need to use hammer shot a few times. In fact I use hammer short once or twice before I even get to 8 ammo, so I'm always in the 8-12 range. I never fall below 8 as a DPSer(healing is different at times because of dmg spikes).


But basically what I do is I start off with FA to get its CD running, GR a few times, throw in DR and HIB, and use hammer shots in between depending on how many times I crit(since crits give you ammo). And I use FA whenever curtain of fire procs, for maximum DPS/ammo regen. There isnt a set rotation, because of all the different procs. If you have a set rotation that you always do in a specific, you'll run out of ammo and limit your DPS potential.

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