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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unfair advantage


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The Scoundrel's Tendon blast and Back blast with shotgun also has much more slowly animation, than imperial alternatives with knife in Agent.


Main strategy of Bioware is "feed" mmo-gamers from WoW (which mostly plays for Empire) and skilled in pvp - by meat of single-rpg-KotOR fanboys, who mostly plays for Republic.



Hanlon's razor, people. Learn it. Look at this like a reasonable person, please. Which is more likely; That bioware is willing trying to alienate a group of their playerbase... Or that the people in charge of coding some of the imperial classes attacks didn't check in with their alternate numbers doing the work on the republic side, and as such did not know that the republic classes' versions of the abilities had a delay in their attack.


Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence, after all.


No, you wana know whats an unfair advantage?

Republics getting 3-5 healers every warzone when imps get 0-1(1 VERY RARELY) and losing over 7/8ths of the games i play v pubs, no its not me, its the lack of healers and the over abundance of pub healers, and yes its very difficult for my assassin to fight marudars and troopers, why in my opinion? armor, and they do the same damage as us, but with more armor.

Fix for my situation? Que up to Warzones as either Dps, Tank or Healer, each WZ group will be matched with the same amount of healers, and more armor should = less dps, or give more endurance to light armor.

Obvious logic is obvious


Obviously the logic is not obvious, because there are 3 obvious problems here.


a) Bioware can't make people roll as a healer and queue for pvp. It astounds me how many problems people blame Bioware for that are actually player problems Bioware has no control over, and this is one of them. lopsided team numbers? It's because people that were queued for the WZ either never entered the warzone when the option to do so popped up, or they jumped ship immediately. Factions being outnumbered? What can Bioware do, delete some imperial player's characters and create republic versions for them? Besides, all you really need to do is get a pre-made together with a voice connection for coordination. Seriously, voice chat in premades is a huge tactical advantage.

2) Armor really does not matter. No, seriously, it doesn't. It's like a couple percentage points of difference against only a portion of all attacks. And besides, Tank Assassin's armor rating is equal to that of tank Juggernaughts and Powertechs in the first place.

3) Your "fix" neglects a really important point: There are not enough players on your server. If Bioware implemented your solution, queue times on your server would be measured in hours outside of pre-mades. Furthermore, it's quite possible to win with no healers against a couple of healers. All it takes is a decent ammount of coordination and a willingness to throw your character's life away for small delaying tactics ad nauseum. Now, if you're talking about pre-mades with voice connections, that may be a different story. But there's also precious little Bioware can do to split up Pre-mades and PUGS on most servers until cross-server 8-man Pre-mades are possible.

Edited by KorinHyvek
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