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How can my scrapper be fun again?


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So, I'm 28 points into Scrapper and I just started playing my level 35 smuggler after the Jesus Patch hit. I have to say, wow.. it.. sucks so much. In PVP I'm pretty gimped, everyone tells me that smugglers are more fun at 50 but I find myself not wanting to even level because it's just not fun.. I mean, I can stealth past mobs and go quests that have "Click these" objectives but when it comes to actual fighting they have nerfed Corso so much it's a pain in the *** to do more than one or two mobs at a time. I have a sorc who just slaughters five people at a time or a warrior who takes on 5 people with three levels on her and my scrapper has to vanish with three mobs down so she can heal and finish killing. It takes twice as long to actually kill things. It seems like Bioware basically said, "Hey, we realized we made a mistake making a class like Rogues from WoW because those make people QQ all the time. We are going to nerf you until you have no choice but to heal." Or is that just me who got that impression?
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I haven't really spent a lot of time in my Scrapper since 1.2 as I'm stuck doing University dissertation and exams. However I did put in around 10 hours of PvP game time since the patch came out. I must say they're pretty difficult to play. The increased energy cost of Quick Shot and Back Blast can be felt straight away.]


My old skill chain is almost useless and I've completely taken out Quick Shot from the chain and only rely on Blaster Whip and Sucker Punch. I only use QS when the enemy tries to run and in which case CC them and continue punching the crap out of them. May be my low damage is because of my gear as I had a full champion gear but 2 centurion weapons. I have however since 1.2, managed to get gloves, pants and boots of the Battlemaster Gear and last night gotten the off hand Shotgun. The rest remain champion stuff and still you're old playstyle is dead.


Every smuggler scrapper now needs to adapt to the new playstyle or disappear and die (no irony intended). I tried a bit of PvE with the new Tatooine world event and its pretty much the same issue with energy. Cool Head now plays a main role in your skill chain. I'm praying that Bioware reduces the energy cost of Quick Shot to 17 again or even 15 as you can count Back Blast in the equation.


My advice is if you're lower then 45 as a Scoundrel then I suggest you go with Sawbones in PvP and go for hybrid in PvE. Once you get Gus Tuno you can go for full DPS. Also try and save up all your Warzone comms and keep doing the daily PvP quests (win 3 warzones) and by the time you hit 50, you should have an entire Battlemaster Enforcer gear waiting for you.

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I ended up switching to dirty fighting. I works decently for pve, I just recently dpsd in karagas and denova no sweat. You will also do way more damage in pvp since internal damage ignores most defenses, and you can dish out good damage at range making you far more survivable.

What made scrapper not fun anymore for me was bioware got rid of the giggling. That sound effect always made me smile, but the developers hate fun so they axed it and now the scrapper is just lame.

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