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Character Transfers only allowed for some


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I recently rolled more toons on the Swiftsure server because the server I started on (Hedarr Soongh) is all but dead. I have found that more people are on the starter planets than our fleet 90% of them time. While re-leveling a toon on the Swiftsure I found out that Bioware is allowing Asian-Pacific server transfers for asian or pacific players, this is an outrage. We pay for our acounts and then we are told that if we would like to move to a server that we can actualy experience war zone pops on or have other players to enjoy raids with we can not do it. Why are they allowing some to transfer to other servers but not all of us????? I started ths thread because I know several people who are wanting to transfer but are beng told no same as me. Please let Bioware know about this by posting and submitting tickers for transfers. Edited by Disaac
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I recently rolled more toons on the Swiftsure server because the server I started on (Hedarr Soongh) is all but dead. I have found that more people are on the starter planets than our fleet 90% of them time. While re-leveling a toon on the Swiftsure I found out that Bioware is allowing Asian-Pacific server transfers for asian or pacific players, this is an outrage. We pay for our acounts and then we are told that if we would like to move to a server that we can actualy experience war zone pops on or have other players to enjoy raids with we can not do it. Why are they allowing some to transfer to other servers but not all of us????? I started ths thread because I know several people who are wanting to transfer but are beng told no same as me. Please let Bioware know about this by posting and submitting tickers for transfers.




Also completley the right forum section to post this as this is clearly Star Wars discussion, prepare to have you unresearched QQ thread moved.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss server transfers and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use the original thread, we will be closing this one. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation.


You may also want to take a look at our Dev Tracker where there are a number of comments on this matter right now!

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