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Oh noes we got nerfed!


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Get over it and learn to play post 1.2. I'm still consistently #1 in dps and kills/killing blows on my gunnery commando after the nerfs. It's not as easy, and yeah we die quicker, but so does everyone else.


It would be nice if we had more utility in huttball. But seriously, quit QQ'ing.



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Get over it and learn to play post 1.2. I'm still consistently #1 in dps and kills/killing blows on my gunnery commando after the nerfs. It's not as easy, and yeah we die quicker, but so does everyone else.


It would be nice if we had more utility in huttball. But seriously, quit QQ'ing.




The fact that you are able to put out consistent damage is a key indicator that you are bad at pvp, people don't know who you are, you are not dead in 4 seconds after leaving spawn.



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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that players can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this (even when made with good intentions) tend to result in flame wars and have little room for constructive discussion. In the future, we encourage you to create threads that foster constructive discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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