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Maybe time to rethink healing


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Both raids took around 1 hour (sage one a bit faster, commando one a bit longer).

Sage raid was: 2 Sage healer, 2 Shadow tanks, 1 Shadow DPS, 3 sage DPS.

Commando raid was: 1 Commando healer, 1 Scoundrel Healer, 2 Commando DPS, 1 Sentinal DPS, 1 Vanguard tank, 1 Vanguard DPS, 1 Gunslinger DPS.


Overall healing for the OPS:

Sage healing: 2.285.368 healing; 940,5 HPS (Salvation 48,5% - 1.109.034 healing)

Commando healing: 1.488.064 healing; 483,1 HPS


Boss 1 - XRR-3:

Sage: 427025 healing; 361 sec; 1183,4 HPS

Commando: 300591 healing; 344 sec; 872,7 HPS


Boss 2 - Gharj:

Sage: 564493 healing; 499 sec; 1130,7 HPS (pure overheal that was not even need. But salvation dont cost much, so its easy to spam).

Commando: 318674; 475 sec; 670,2 HPS


Boss 5 - Soa:

Sage: 583722 healing; 785 sec; 744 HPS (serrious problems with soa and pylons hitting him in phase 3 )

Commando: 374374 healing; 609 sec; 614,3 HPS

Fixes of Soa made the fight really easy now. Nearly no damage at all to the raid. Ball Lighning damage was nearly full absorbed by force armor (not even in these healing numbers). So you can easy add 20 or 30 force armor for over 3k each to the healing numbers (around 60-100k extra)


On all fights, the sage had never ever any problem with force and could have healed alot more. The commando wasnt full at the limit as well on most times. But sometimes in the low ammo regen area.




At peak times, like the trash clearing, the sage could easy reach over 2200 HPS, without any problems. And this even for some time. The commando can reach 1700 HPS, but only for a short time, because once the ammo is gone, its over with HPS.

The overall constant HPS for the commando seems to be, from all tests, at around 1100 HPS. something that i calculated as well before the patch (with my gear, that is used for the logs as well). The sage, with salvation, easy at constant 2000 HPS without any problems.



I will go on an do more tests on each fight i do. But honestly bioware: Give me ONE good reason why i even should play the commando for healing anymore. What does the commando have that the sage cant do better and easier? Not even to forget these great toys that are not even in the logs. Like force armor and rescue.



And again, do not forget one part on all these numbers. The sage had only columi, not a single part of rakata. The commando is full Rakata and better. Given this, the sage could do around 10% more healing with equal gear to the commando. With pure single target healing both are about the same. But the salvation let the sage go skyrocket in healing. And btw, its the same for flashpoints with 4 players. The difference is not as high, but still alot.




Few more exmaples:

- Average targets hit with salvation: 4,97. Average targets hit with Kolto Bomb: 3,58.

- Most heal from sage: salvation (48,5% = 1.109.034 healing). Most heal from Commando: MP (32,4% = 481.555 healing).

- HS cast: 110; MP cast: 130; Salvation casts: 47

- Average heal per MP: 3704; average heal per Salvation: 23.596; average heal per Kolto Bomb: 5342

- Healing Resonance (from relic proc), Medpacs and Adrenaline Rush dont crit.


The reports are starting to come in. Guess it may be time to rethink playing bodyguard.

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