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PvE sets are too hard to get.


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Battlemaster is easy to get, they only take a week of farming PvP commendations (And there is a Warzone finder tool which aids you in finding PvP matches). You also get ALOT more commendations per PvP match then you do by completing a Hard Mode Flashpoint for example.


Rakata, Campaign, Black Hole, or even Columni is not so easy.


Hence the title of the thread. "PvE gear is too hard to get." Because of the commendation system (lack of crafting or credit buyout alternatives).


Flashpoints/Operations are impossible to attempt with any frequency because of population problems. Bioware acknowledges that only a small percentage of the playerbase even attempts to participate which magnifies the population problems.


That is the point, BM gear is an alternate way to get into HM FP's and OPS. You said you were having trouble getting into these groups because of gear, if you have a BM set you should be able to get into groups and do fine to start working on your Tio/columni set. I literally ran 2-3 SM EV's in champ gear and had almost a full set of Columni gear. It's not hard to get PvE gear, if your guild won't run you or they are not running find a guild that is.

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I am very frustrated on how hard it is to get the PvE gear sets. I am coming up on the end of my first month and I am still wearing "PvP" gear in comparison to like a Tionese or Rakata PvE gear set which is what I really want.


Actually it's very easy to get pve gear.


1. Make your level 50 matrix cube (takes about an hour).

2. Choose synthweaving or armormech, and you can craft two pieces of Rakata gear.

3. Run 18-21 days of dailies (depending on how many you complete each day), and you'll get 2 Rakata implants and a Rakata earpiece. (In the meantime, you can ask someone to craft an epic level 49 item for you.)

4. Run 6 more days of dailies, and you'll get the new relic.

**That's 7 pieces of top-tier raiding gear that you can get without setting foot in a raid or flashpoint.**

5. Run Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace on normal mode, and you'll get 3 Columni tokens per week on average.

6. If you're missing a particular piece of gear, you can run the corresponding hard mode flashpoint and have a 25% chance of seeing it drop, or you can just run enough ops/flashpoints to accumulate the required number of commendations to purchase it.


The problem is not that gear is hard to get but that 75% of the servers have too few people to support PUGs. Even on my crummy Light population server, we've been able to get new 50s geared in 3-4 weeks by running them through dailies and normal mode operations. Less than a month for a full pve set almost seems too quick to me. There's no sense of accomplishment when things are too easy.


They don't need to fix the gear drops. They need to merge the servers.

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Join a guild that raids on a regular basis. Normal mode flashpoints will gear you up quick, much quicker than HMFPs.


Players that wont group with you because of perceived (or real) under-gearing is not Bioware's fault. You don't need full columi to complete a HMFP, having full daily comm mods/armoring, implants and earpiece is good enough. However, relying on pugs is likely your problem. Find a guild that has enough people to run these on a regular basis.

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Running dailies over and over is not FUN. Orange gear is not very good.


The dailies get old after a while, but they're a guaranteed quick way to get Rakata gear. Would you rather spend 50 hours wiping on hard mode operations with the possibility of getting no gear or spend 25 hours running dailies with the assurance that you'll get four top-tier pieces? Personally, I like the fact that there's more than one way to get gear.


Orange gear is actually better than Tionese gear in most cases, unless your set bonus is very good. Tionese gear tends to prioritize armor and endurance over your primary and secondary stats (e.g., cunning/crit), so you can potentially do more damage/healing in the orange gear. Also, mastercraft gear (level 126 with an augment) can have better stats than Tionese. I wouldn't have bothered with Tionese at all, except that my set bonuses were pretty good.

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Very bad advice but I appreciate it anyways.


Running dailies over and over is not FUN. Orange gear is not very good. I have all the MOD's I need. I have the Implants.


Its the rest of the PvE gear that I cannot obtain because of bad design, ignoring server population issues, etc. Sure the stories are great and 1-50 is cool, but I want to do Flashpoints and Operations too.


Your solution is just join the status quo. Which is not going to get things changed.


it wasn't "very bad advice" you smug little nerfherder. what i offered is the only thing you can do given your low population. this isn't about fighting the "status quo", this is a just a game, and within this game, your server just happens to be bad. i also think it's hilarious that you think orange gear is bad given the recent patch. however, after reading your posts throughout this thread, i think the real reason you aren't being brought on operations and flashpoints in your guild is the simple fact that you're a few parts short of a droid, as they say. there are plenty of guys like you in my guild and they always wonder why they aren't brought along. they eventually get purged.


i hope this helps.

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